Screencasts and Vignettes: Flexible Teaching Aids for Undergraduate Chemistry Dr Simon J. Lancaster School of Chemistry Dr David Read
Acknowledgements Dr G. Richard Stephenson Dr Stephen Ashworth Prof Steve Meech Dr Garth Jones Dr Gregory Wildgoose Mrs Joanne Bruce Mrs Gurpreet Gill Miss Elizabeth Jacobs Miss Kiri Addison Mr Richard Steel Mr Charles Harrison Dr Christopher Andrews Dr Peter Roach Dr Paul Chin Dr Tracey Madden
Glossary A screencast is a digital recording of the evolving image on the screen during a lecture presentation synchronised with the speakers audio narration. We use the term vignette to refer to a short segment of a screencast covering a critical concept which may be augmented by an interactive component introduced during the editing process. 2/SCMay2011/SCMay2011
Screencast Collection Published screencasts in each of the core branches of first year chemistry. Module Screencasts Published Chemistry of Carbon Compounds (UEA)19 Bonding, Structure and Periodicity (UEA)15 Energetics and Spectroscopy (UEA)20 Special Topics in Chemistry (UEA)2 Fundamentals of Modern Chemistry (Soton)38 Fundamentals of Bonding & Spectroscopy (Soton)22 Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry (Soton)20
Access Accesses for the Screencast Lewis Structures and VSEPR between 1/11/10 and 24/5/11.
Open Educational Resources There are issues with Screencasts: – Attractiveness – Copyright Vignettes – Distinct from lecture capture – Desirable? – Transferrable? Interactive element (SCORM) Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is a collection of standards and specifications for web-based e-learning. It defines communications between client side content and a host system called the run- time environment, which is commonly supported by a learning management system. SCORM also defines how content may be packaged into a transferable ZIP file called "Package Interchange Format". Wikipedia 23/5/11 Jorum – Vignettes will be deposited with Jorum as SCORM content and as mp4 files (which will lack the interactivity).
Vignettes: Flexible Open Educational Resources for Undergraduate Chemistry Authors: K. Addison, a S. H. Ashworth, a J. Bruce, a P. Chin, b G. Gill, a C. Harrison, c E. Jacobs, a G. Jones, a S. J. Lancaster, a P. McDermott, a S. R. Meech, a D. Read, c R. Steel, a G. R. Stephenson a, G. G. Wildgoose. a Contact: This is one of a series of Chemistry Vignettes prepared as part of a Departmental Project collaboration between the University of East Anglia and the University of Southampton, with financial support and advice from the UK Physical Sciences Centre of the Higher Education Academy. Chemistry Vignettes are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. abc
Access Accesses for the Vignette Quantization of Energy Levels between 20/04/11 and 24/5/11.
Evaluation QuestionnaireFocus groups Needs a screencast for all lectures - sometimes some can be missed out, and means may forget to revise that section Vignettes definitely helpful, condensed a lot of work into a small time - but more as a recap than learning
QuestionnaireComments just use media player, not java could not access it Couldn't use the viginettes in Google Chrome, but I could in I.E. I preferred the video player compared to the screen casts. The quiz pop-up is an excellent idea. But sometimes it would repeat the question a second time when closed the box. Some did not load. However I am not sure whether this is a blackboard problem or is due to my laptop being rubbish. Contact:
ChemistryVignettes Prezi Contact: