The ATAR and subject selection 2017 UAC Year 10 Presentation The ATAR and subject selection 2017
Overview ATAR facts and myths How to select HSC courses 6 December 2018
HSC vs ATAR HSC marks are about a student’s performance against the standards. The ATAR is about a student’s position against all other students in NSW. Performance vs Position. Good performance doesn’t guarantee a high position. The only thing students can control is their performance. 6 December 2018
ATAR facts Your ATAR: allows you to be compared with other students who have completed different combinations of HSC courses shows your position, or where you are ranked, among all other HSC students is a rank, not a mark is provided by UAC. Like your position in a race 6 December 2018
ATAR eligibility To get an ATAR you need at least 10 units of Board Developed courses – these are HSC courses that are examined by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). Your teachers will tell you which courses will count. Your ATAR is based on your best two units of English and the best eight units from your remaining courses. English Math Science 6 December 2018
The ATAR and scaling Different HSC courses have very different groups of students studying them. To create an even playing field, actual marks need to be adjusted before they are added. This is called scaling. Scaling calculates what your mark and your position would be if all courses were studied by all students. 6 December 2018
ATAR – Why scaling ? Why? So that no student is advantaged or disadvantaged because of their subject choice. We need to compare fairly all the different courses and combinations of courses. Remember that a student’s position in a course depends on: - how well they did in that course - the strength of the competition in that course. A student’s scaled mark for a course is a combination of their position in that course and the scaled mean calculated for that course. 6 December 2018
Fred and Laura: ATAR results ATARs have been released and, even though they completed the same subjects, Fred and Laura’s ATARs are very different. The percentile column tells us where they are positioned in each course. Remember: the HSC is about performance and the ATAR is about position. 6 December 2018
A couple of myths ‘Don’t choose a VET course such as Information and Digital Technology or Hospitality – you won’t get a good ATAR.’ FALSE – It doesn’t matter what course you do … it is still possible to get a good ATAR. But remember that you can only include two units from Category B (VET) courses. ‘I can only get a high ATAR if I study hard subjects.’ FALSE – What is a hard subject anyhow? It’s a myth that subjects like physics will give you a high ATAR! What if you’re not good at physics? We advise students to choose subjects they are good at and do well in as this is the only way to maximise your ATAR. 6 December 2018
Don’t choose HSC courses based on… A perceived ATAR – the ATAR is about all courses, not just one or two. Scaling or scaled marks – you are assuming that a course with a high/low scaled mean means a high/low ATAR, which is not true. Remember: subject selection is about choosing courses that you are good at, are interested in and that may help you succeed in tertiary studies. 6 December 2018
Choosing your HSC courses It’s important to consider: what you are good at what you are interested in what you think you might want to do when you leave school. 6 December 2018
Inspiration I love watching Myth Busters and it inspires me to want to know more. I like finding out how things work. I think science is my passion. Questions to help you make decisions about courses and your future: Who and what inspires you? Do you like: helping others? being creative? working with technology? finding out how things work? working indoors or outside? working alone or with others? 6 December 2018
What next? Research your study options: university, TAFE, private college, work. Explore the different study areas and courses. Consider all institutions that offer the tertiary course you are interested in. Keep your options open. Choose HSC courses that will set you up for success. 6 December 2018
Going to uni There are many pathways but most involve the HSC. Your selection for most uni courses will be based on: ATAR bonus points additional selection criteria. 6 December 2018
Tertiary study and subject selection Always check for course: Prerequisites HSC courses you have to have studied before a uni will offer you a place in the course. Assumed knowledge HSC courses the uni assumes you have studied before you start the uni course. Not a requirement for entry, but without the assumed knowledge you may have difficulties coping with your studies. Recommended studies HSC courses the uni suggests will prepare you for core first-year uni courses. Not a requirement for entry. 6 December 2018
Question What if I haven’t chosen the right subjects for the course I decide to apply for? 6 December 2018
Don’t panic! Answer You can still get an offer to most institutions. Institutions list any course prerequisites in the Year 10 booklet. You may need to catch up on background knowledge through: bridging courses extra subjects within the course structure. Remember, you must be ATAR eligible regardless of the HSC courses you choose. Don’t panic! 6 December 2018
And what if … ? What if I don’t get a high enough ATAR for entry into university? 6 December 2018
Answer There are many pathways to where you want to be: preparation courses at uni TAFE (TPC, Cert IV or Diploma) uni colleges private colleges. All is not lost! 6 December 2018
And finally… Remember that the ATAR is only a rank used for uni selection. Choose courses you like and are good at - this is the best way to maximise your ATAR. Study hard. Explore all your options. My interests My ability My future 6 December 2018