BACK TO SCHOOL Miss Schreiner 2018-2019
All About Me! Bucks County, PA Bucknell University Central Bucks School District Bucknell University BS Early Childhood Education (PreK-4) 1st grade & in Amish One Room Schoolhouses 1st Grade Teacher, Fairfax County, VA Substitute Teaching: Bucks County Year #3 at HFS ♥ Phoenixville Resident
When I’m not Here
Similar classroom behavior systems Team Teachers Mrs. D’Amelio ELA Religion Same violation system Similar classroom behavior systems Insert non-sweaty picture here Miss Schreiner - Math B + Math C Social Studies Science
Friday: Art & Computers Specials Monday: STEAM & GYM Tuesday: Library Wednesday: Music Thursday: nothing Friday: Art & Computers
Locker Numbers Hope - 6 Leah - 8 Gianna - 10 Aidan - 12 Emma - 14 Josh - 16 Claire – 1 Lauren – 3 Olivia - 5 Sofia – 7 Joey – 9 Kyle – 11 Aiden – 13
The Adjustment Having 2+ teachers Keeping organized Forgetfulness Let them learn from their mistakes Please don’t go in their backpack without them right next to you
Homework In Assignment Book On the website Students are responsible to write it themselves at the end of the day AND during periods (ex. end of math class) Violations for incomplete or forgetting homework. Must complete during recess. Homework Passes
Effort Violations Starting later this month Entirely based on effort (being prepared for class) 5 violations = a lunch detention with the teacher to discuss/reflect Violations aren’t the end of the world ! Preparing them for 5th grade & life in general
Class dojo Online Behavior System connecting parents, students, & teachers Students don’t know about it yet Both homerooms using it Positive & Negative Points Incentives for positive points Log-in information coming next week!
Communication The best way to contact me is through e-mail. I will respond to you within 24 hours during the school week! Call me @ (610) 933-7562 x 101 If there is a change in your child’s dismissal plans throughout the day, please email the main office AND CC me. Vacations, planned absences, doctor appointments
HELP Wanted A homeroom parent is needed for our room! If this interests you, please let me know! Also, extra help at class parties is always appreciated. Clearances needed to volunteer at HFS & chaperone trips!
Thank you! I look forward to seeing you soon Please leave any completed paperwork in the basket on the circle table. Or, send them in with your child tomorrow or Monday. Don’t forget to send me the letter about your child ASAP!