reminders Get your Springboard book! We will need it today! Turn in your revised CEI paragraph (in the black basket) Vocab Quiz Unit 7A – today Quiz over readings – today! Need a copy of Of Mice and Men by 10/11 Thought for the Day:
Film Clip Friday Create a chart like this one Jot down your thoughts as you watch the clip. SEE HEAR FEEL BELIEVE
Journal response Think about the cafeteria at lunch time. Draw a map of the cafeteria at school (or a previous school you have attended). Label what groups of people sit where. Then, write about what you have observed in terms of how people organize themselves at lunch. Here are some questions to consider while you journal: Where do you sit? Why? What groups do you notice? Do people always sit in the same place? If so, why do you believe this is the case? Is it easy or difficult to join a new group in the cafeteria? How do people organize themselves in the cafeteria? In other words, what determines who sits where? What behaviors do you notice from others at lunch? Are people generally kind? Do they include others? Why or why not?
PICK ONE As we read “Pick One” look for: Defining Moment? How do you know? What tools does the author use in telling his story? Connections – what are common ideas/themes among your writing, the film clip, and the memoir, “Pick One”?
Vocab Quiz 7A Reading Quiz: Funny in Farsi & Kaffir Boy When you finish, grab your Independent Reading book for reading time!