Chrysophyceae (golden algae) By Stephen Zevgolis
Introduction Algae with golden chloroplasts, used for photosynthesis. Live in freshwater primarily, but also on moss and wetlands. Lacks true cell walls. Both motile and non-motile forms exist.
Key Features Yellowish-brown in color. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll 1, chlorophyll 2, and fucoxanthin. If there’s a lack of nutrients, they can switch from autotrophs to heterotrophs by creating pseudopods. Both sexual and asexual reproduction. Phaeoplaca
Significance in the Biotic Environment These algae make up parts of the nanoplankton. Therefore, they play a role in the foundation of the food chain. Some types of Chrysophyceae can cause poor freshwater quality. Dynobryon
Significance for Humans Fucoxanthin, a pigment in golden algae, is being researched as a treatment for weight loss. Hokkaido University study indicated that it can promote weight loss by increasing the expression of thermogenin. However the study has only been done on mice.
Forms of Chrysophyceae A Flagellated form, no cell wall Mallomonas, unicell
More Forms Chrysamoeba radians- vegetative states Phaeothamnion confervicola