2008-2009 SPR&I Regional Training General Supervision of Special Education: Changes to the system and process 2008-2009 SPR&I Regional Training
Objectives: Quick review of general system components, State Performance Plan (SPP), and Annual Performance Report Review cycle and due dates for 2008-2009 Review new SPR&I database features
Components of General Supervision: Policies, Procedures, and Effective Implementation State Performance Plan Integrated Monitoring Activities Data on Processes and Results Fiscal Management Improvement, Correction, Incentives & Sanctions Targeted Technical Assistance & Professional Development Effective Dispute Resolution
Handouts: Trees of influence Indicator measurements and data sources
State Performance Plan All other components of general supervision must be integrated with SPP The SPP is the blueprint for systems change Consists of compliance and performance indicators covering Parts B(20) and C(14) of IDEA Implementation of the SPP leads to improved results Reporting is critical to ensuring accountability to the public State Performance Plan 5
SPP – Part B Indicator 1: Graduation Indicator 2: Dropout Indicator 3: Statewide Assessment Indicator 4: Suspension/Expulsion Indicator 5: LRE Placement Indicator 6: Preschool Settings Indicator 7: Preschool Skills Indicator 8: Parent Involvement Indicator 9: Disproportionate Rep. in Sped Indicator 10: Disproportionate Rep. in specific disability category Indicator 11: Child Find Indicator 12: Part C to B Transition Indicator 13: Secondary Transition w/IEP Goals Indicator 14: Secondary Transition/Post School Outcomes Indicator 15: Monitoring, Complaints & Hearings Indicator 16: Written Complaints Indicator 17: Due Process Hearings Indicator 18: Hearing Requests that went to Resolution Indicator 19: Mediations Indicator 20: Timeliness of State Reported Data & Reports
This is a work in progress. (Last revision 7/12/07)
Public Reporting Make the state’s performance plan available through public means, including by posting on the state educational agency’s (SEA’s) website, distribution to the media, and distribution through public agencies http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=1813
Handouts SPR&I Overview 08-09 Accountability flowchart
SPR&I Activities Sub grants Regional trainings Procedural compliance review (PCR) – file reviews Compliance indicators B4, 9 – 13, 15 Performance indicators B1,2,3,5, 8, 14 Improvement planning Final Determinations
Oregon’s SPR&I System Provides accountability for enforcing federal and state regulations and ensuring continuous improvement Focuses on procedural compliance and performance indicators from IDEA and Oregon’s SPP Facilitates the collection and analysis of data, reporting, and improvement planning for the state, districts, and programs Provides ODE with a mechanism to review district policies, procedures, and process for meeting the IDEA 2004 requirements
Handouts Indicator workflow Annual indicator and PCR cycle Due dates
Indicator Workflow B1-2: No worksheet, straight to improvement plan B4: No worksheet, policy to practice review form required, site visit or phone conference with ODE, CAP B5: Revised worksheet, improvement plan B9 & 10: Revised worksheet, policy to practice review form if required, site visit or phone conference with ODE, CAP B11: No worksheet, straight to improvement plan
Annual APR Indicator and PCR Cycle July April January October August May March February December November June May 09 Districts continue to submit evidence of correction for 07-08 and 08-09 noncompliance Districts revise rejected improvement plans and CAPs 08-09 data populated for B5, 9 & 10 reports Jan. 09 Districts continue submitting 08-09 PCR data Districts begin Improvement Plan for B1-2, 3, 5 & 11 based on 2007-2008 data (if required) Districts begin Corrective Action Plans for B4, 9 & 10 based on 2007-2008 (if required) April 09 Districts submit evidence of correction for 07-08 and 08-09 noncompliance ODE approves/rejects district improvement plans and CAPs 2008-2009 Aug. 08 ODE disseminates Final Determinations Nov. 08 Districts submit evidence of correction for 06-07 noncompliance until 100% compliant Worksheets due for B5, 9 & 10 based on 07-08 data Policy to practice reviews for B4 (if required) Districts continue submitting 08- 09 PCR data Dec. 08 Policy to practice reviews for B9 & 10 (if required) Feb. 09 APR due to OSEP District 08-09 PCR data due end of month March 09 CC verify 08-09 PCR submission Improvement Plan due end of month for B1-2, 3, 5, & 11 based on 07-08 data CAPs due for B4, 9 & 10 (if required) Districts to verify public report card data Oct. 08 SPR&I Annual Trainings ODE populates reports for B1-2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10 & 11 with 07-08 data 08-09 PCR report opens for submission ODE populates B1-2 report with 07-08 data June 09 July 08 ODE working on final determinations including correction of 07-08 noncompliance September Sept. 08 Districts submit evidence of correction for 06-07 noncompliance until 100% compliant
Deadlines November 28, 2008: December – January 2009: Deadline for submitting worksheets for B5, B9 & B10 (07-08 data). Districts flagged for B9 and B10 will only need to submit a worksheet for B10. Deadline for submitting policy to practice review document for districts identified with significant discrepancy (B4). December – January 2009: Districts not justified based on the worksheet submitted for B9 or B10 will need to complete and submit the policy to practice review document in SPR&I and will be required to participate in review of files with ODE. February 27, 2009: Deadline for submitting PCR data. March 27, 2009: Deadline for submitting improvement plan that addresses B1-2, B3, B5, & B11 (07-08 data). Corrective action plans (CAP) due for districts identified with significant discrepancy (B4) and disproportionate representation (B9) and/or (B10). May 29, 2009: Deadline for resubmitting rejected CAPs (B4, B9 & B10). August 14, 2009: Deadline for submitting evidence of correction for 06-07, 07-08, and 08-09 noncompliance.
Improvement Planning Area of focus this year Changed content to require more specificity and elements of “Best Practice” Includes due dates and feedback from ODE Districts will be accountable for implementation of plan
The New and Improved SPR&I!! Dashboard Indicator work flow PCR data entry
PCR status across three years with current status Revised dashboard includes final determination status for both years. County Contact information and email link is right here! District personnel can edit, add, or delete contact information any time. These contacts will receive reminders and information related to SPR&I. PCR status across three years with current status for 08-09.
To open an indicator to… Formerly know as KPI, these are now just referred to as indicators since they include performance and compliance indicators from the state performance plan. Current status is provided with due dates if appropriate. To open an indicator to… view the report download worksheet, policy to practice review document, or begin the improvement plan …just click anywhere on the indicator.
You can now go between the report tab and the worksheet tab for indicators that still have a worksheet. Those that don’t will only have report and improvement plan tabs Most reports are the same as last year. Some features were edited, but changes were kept to a minimum this year.
Revised worksheets and policy to practice documents will download in word format and will utilize the same upload process.
Once districts have submitted the required form (worksheet or policy to practice review) the light will turn yellow indicating it is now being reviewed by ODE.
New Improvement Planning Process Districts will be required to engage in an improvement process and develop a comprehensive plan to address all areas of performance that they were flagged for including indicators: B1-2 B3 B5 B11 (in addition to addressing improvement efforts, evidence of compliance must be provided to the ODE within one year
PCR Data Entry Comprehensive review this year New form and corrective action document Student-by-student entry Will be covered in more detail during PCR presentation District personnel can review files using the hard copy of the file review from and enter the data later
Take Aways Primary focus of federal and state monitoring activities are on: Improving educational results and functional outcomes Ensuring requirements of Part B and C are met Understanding the SPP/APR content, data sources, and how to utilize the SPR&I database are critical for: Developing and sustaining an effective local supervision process Identifying areas where additional data and resources are needed