BUS 411 DAY 24
Agenda Questions? Course Evaluations Student presentation of Dell Computer Peer grading Please send PowerPoint to me, NO later than 1 hour before you are presenting. Group work I am available for assistance on case studies Email Blackboard Class sessions Can attend group meetings
Peregrine Testing STUDENT REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Select http://www.peregrineacademics.com/umfk 2. Enter case-sensitive password UMFK-1001 (on right side of screen under Self-Registration for Exam Key(s)) 3. Select View Registration. 4. Select the appropriate exam as directed by University of Maine Fort Kent. 5. Select Review Your Selection(s) and Proceed to Register. 6. Select Proceed with Self-Registration. 7. Enter First Name, Last Name, and your E-mail address. 8. Select Review Registration(s). 9. Select Complete Registration. 10. To take exam: a. Select the hyperlink under Course/Exam heading. b. When finished, save/print completion certificate and return to your instructor.
Group and Case Assignments Group 1 All done! Group 2 CVS Emily, Megan, Carter Group 3 Verizon Thomas, Allie, Brandon, Loren
Schedules for Cases Today May 3 May 7 May 10 May 15 @ 3 Pm Dell Inc.– Group 1 May 3 Scholars symposium May 7 CVS – Group 2 May 10 Verizon– Group 3 May 15 @ 3 Pm Take portion of Final Due May 17 @ 10 AM In class portion of Final Exam