Paper Information (Title, Authors, Source) Presented by Date LInfoVis Winter 2011 Chris Culy
LInfoVis Winter 2011 Chris Culy Summary What is the paper about What are the conclusions of the paper How is it related to LInfoVis Overall evaluation of the paper/idea LInfoVis Winter 2011 Chris Culy
LInfoVis Winter 2011 Chris Culy Details More details about the technique, evaluation, etc LInfoVis Winter 2011 Chris Culy
LInfoVis Winter 2011 Chris Culy Good points Content and presentation LInfoVis Winter 2011 Chris Culy
What could have been better Content and presentation LInfoVis Winter 2011 Chris Culy
LInfoVis Winter 2011 Chris Culy Resulting Ideas Can you use the results of the paper? More or less directly Is there code, if the paper is about a technique? What other ideas did it lead you to think of? LInfoVis Winter 2011 Chris Culy