Lesson 5A
PSAT Analysis If you brought your PSAT results with you, skip the next step and write your scores in the space provided below. Complete this step if you did not bring your PSAT scores with you today. Go to www.collegeboard.org to pull up your PSAT scores. To do this you must create or open My College Quick Start from the www.collegeboard.org website.
CATEGORY PSAT SCORE SAT EQUIVALENT Critical Reading Math (ADD A 0 TO YOUR PSAT SCORE) Critical Reading Math Writing Skills
Rank your Subcategories Rank your performance, with your strongest subcategory first and your weakest subcategory last. The subcategories that fall at the bottom of these tables are the ones that you need to spend some time with before taking the SAT. CRITICAL READING SUBCATEGORIES # CORRECT/#TOTAL WRITING SKILLS SUBCATEGORIES # CORRECT/#TOTAL
Long-Term Plans Go to Naviance on the Avon High School website. Password for Naviance: Student ID = username Password = 8-digit birthday MMDDYYYY Click on “Colleges” on the top menu bar, and search for your desired school. You can see how you compare to AHS students who have applied. You can see the requirements for admissions.