Access contract Next steps WG Belgian Grid 1 December 2017 P. Buijs
Feedback – Members of WG Belgian Grid Follow-up of the WG BG 7.11.2017 Question: What about the Annexes 10 and 11? Are the members of the WG Belgian grid in favour of maintaining or removing annexes 10 and 11 of the Access contract? WG Belgian Grid – 07 11 2017 - Feedback Access Contract
Status and Next steps Status – 01.12.2017: Next steps: Received input of several comments from FEBELIEC, FEBEG, INFRABEL. A discussion took place during the previous meeting of the WG BG – 7.11.2017 Next steps: By beginning of next year (January/February 2018), Elia will present a consolidated version of the Access contract: A clean version and a version with the final track-changes Including all articles (more specific articles 8 to 11 – until now separate document) In both languages (French and Dutch). Detailed overview of the different comments and how they have been taken in account in the contract WG Belgian Grid – 01.12 2017 - Access Contract