What are the three phases of matter? Tuesday, November 14 Get your note book out and write today’s date at the top of a new page. What are the three phases of matter?
What is MATTER?
Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. It’s stuff all around you! It’s YOU!! Is your breath matter? Is air you breathe matter?
Is there anything you can think of that is not matter?
Heat Light Fire Gravity These are forms of energy. Energy is not matter.
Everything on earth that we can see, feel, taste, (and even stuff that we can’t see or feel or taste) is made of both matter and energy.
Quick Review: Solids Particles Barely Vibrating Definite shape Definite volume *Powders can appear to change shape, but on a microscopic level, the crystals are still the same
Quick Review: Liquids Particles move past each other Can change shape Definite volume *Hydraulics in heavy machinery work because liquids cannot be compressed. Is this a liquid cat?
Quick Review: Gasses Particles moving very fast and zinging around Can change shape Can be compressed
4th State of Matter Plasmas Gas with extra electrons - charged Super high energy Can change shape Can be compressed *Most of the universe is made of plasma (99.9%) * Not the same as blood plasma
Create this chart in your notes Particles NEVER STOP moving Motion of Particles Definite Shape ? Definite Volume? Examples Solid Liquid Gas Plasma
If you had a magic microscope, what would matter look like? Draw 3 clear jars to represent solid, liquid & gas Draw circles and arrows to show to particles. Particle size and # does not change, just the spacing.
Mini-Quiz: 9- What process does this represent Mini-Quiz: 9- What process does this represent? 10- From the __________ phase to the _____________ phase
Mini-Quiz: 11- What process does this represent Mini-Quiz: 11- What process does this represent? 12- From the __________ phase to the _____________ phase Dry ice inside
Mini-Quiz: 17- What process does this represent Mini-Quiz: 17- What process does this represent? 18-From the __________ phase to the _____________ phase Tiny bumps
All matter is moving on the inside. Particles are atoms. Big Idea #1 All matter is moving on the inside. Particles are atoms. Atoms NEVER stop moving.
Big Idea #2 When energy is added to matter, the particles move faster and move apart.
Big Idea #3 When energy is taken away from matter, the particles move slower and get closer together.
Energy=heat=spacing of atoms=volume. D=M/V Big Idea #4 Energy=heat=spacing of atoms=volume. D=M/V Spacing and speed of particles determines density.