Exploring the States of Matter Solid + Liquid = ? Exploring the States of Matter
What is a solid?
A solid… Keeps its shape Has molecules that are tightly packed together
What is a liquid?
A liquid… Takes the shape of the container that it is in Has molecules that flow around each other
What is a gas?
A gas… Has no shape Has molecules that are very far apart and move very quickly
What happens when we mix different solids with a liquid? Today’s Question What happens when we mix different solids with a liquid? solid + liquid = __?__ Let’s Find Out!
Here are the 4 solids we will be testing:
Here is the liquid we will be adding to each solid: We will be using eyedroppers to add the liquid. Let me show you how!
As your group adds the vinegar to each solid, you will be observing what happens. Use your → to observe x
What Happens When Vinegar (Liquid) is Added? Each group member will write their observations on their chart Powder (Solid) What Happens When Vinegar (Liquid) is Added? Flour Sugar Salt Baking Soda