A substance dissolved in another substance Solution A substance dissolved in another substance
Solution is... A homogenous... Mixture of two or more substances + (evenly mixed) Mixture of two or more substances + NaCl H2O Salt Water It is a physical change …NOT a chemical change.
Solution All solutions consist of 2 parts: Solute Solvent
Solute The substance being dissolved The substance present in the least amount
Solvent The substance doing the dissolving The substance present in the most amount
Must a solution be liquid?
No… Air is a solution Sterling silver is a solution. It can be a gas. It can be a solid.
Types of Liquid Solutions Aqueous A solution with water as the solvent Tincture A solution with alcohol as the solvent
Therefore, oil is INSOLUBLE in water. When a substance cannot be dissolved in a solvent... + = don't mix Oil water Therefore, oil is INSOLUBLE in water.
Solubility How much can be dissolved in ? A measure of how much a solute can be dissolved in a solvent under certain conditions How much can be dissolved in ?
Limits of Solubility Unsaturated … more solute can be added to the solvent Saturated … the point that no more solute can be added to the solvent or it will be --- Supersaturated …more solute than the solvent can handle.
Solubility Graphs saturated More solute then it can hold (at a given temperature) saturated Hold all that it can possible hold (at a given temperature) - concentrated Contain less solute than it can hold (at a given temperature) - diluted
NaCl (salt) in to Na+ + Cl- Ionization The formation of ions by the action of a solvent in solution NaCl (salt) in to Na+ + Cl- in water Ions are formed (+ or -).
Dissociation Solution Solution Is the process of separating ions during the formation of of a solution … the more it dissociates, the stronger it is... Strong Base Weak Base H2O Na+ OH- Na+ NH4+ NH4+ Solution Solution H2O NH3 Na+ Na+ OH- OH- NH3 OH- OH- OH- NaOH Na+ + OH- NH3 + H2O NH4+ + OH-
Solution Concentration Refers to the amount of solute dissolved in a solvent Diluted (less) Concentrated (more) 100 g. 5 g 5 grams of salt in 100 grams of water dilute 35 g VS 100 g. 35 grams of salt in 100 grams of water concentrated
Electrolytes Na+ Cl- Because dissolved salts have positive and negative ions, they are electrolyte solutions and conduct electricity.
Effervescence The escape of a gas from a liquid solution
Common Solvent Water is the most common substance on earth. It makes up 70% of the earth’s surface. 65% of your body mass is composed of water.
Polar Molecule - Water is a polar molecule. + This is because the position of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms form charges at opposite ends. This positioning is why one side of a water molecule is slightly negative and the other is slightly positive.
Water and vinegar mix, however oil and water do not mix. Polar Molecule - + The charged ends of a polar solvent can separate the charged ends of a polar solute. As a general rule: Like Dissolves Like Think about it… Water and vinegar mix, however oil and water do not mix. Is vinegar polar or non-polar? Is oil polar or non-polar?