Section 3 Beginnings of Civilization Chapter 1 Section 3 Beginnings of Civilization
First Cities and Civilizations Arise Earliest civilizations located near major rivers Water supply Transportation Farming > surpluses > support large population > cities emerge Civilization? Complex, highly organized social order
River Valley Civilizations Sumer > between Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Egypt > along Nile River Indus > along Indus River in India Shang > along the Huang or Yellow River
Life Away From Cities Hunting & gathering Nomadic herding in the steppes (dry grasslands)
Group Work In groups create a chart similar to this one explaining or describing the basic features of a civilization p.19-21 Civilization
Civilizations Change Over Time Environment Earthquake, volcano, drought Cultural Diffusion Spread of ideas, customs, & technologies from one people to another Interaction & close contact > trade, migration, war >causes people to instill others beliefs and values Cities expand into city-states Rulers would conquer other rival areas see the first empires