Noah Hilt, Steven Koechle, Joshua Chapman Quantifier Web Portal Noah Hilt, Steven Koechle, Joshua Chapman Department of Computer Science, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff AZ 86001 Abstract Solution A web portal designed to provide authentication and various features needed by quantifiers and administrators. The combination of personalized information and additional details enhances the user’s experience. Additional information is provided that is considered private and should be hidden from the general public. Results can be tailored to focus on the user’s interests. The framework allows for easy display of additional information and expansion of the portal to other locales. The TIST (The International Small Group Tree Planting) program helps subsistence farmers in underdeveloped countries plant trees to help sustain their community and reverse deforestation. The current method of information delivery returns the entire data set and does not contain any useful tools for filtering results. The average user of TISTs data has a very slow and expensive internet connection. As TISTs data set grows, it becomes more costly for the users to receive data. This project aims to develop a new front end for users to access user relevant data. Web portal search page for groups Desertification in Mpwapwa, Tanzania How Does TIST work? Land is over cleared and desertification happens Clean Air Action provides help and training to give incentive for reforestation Quantifiers plant and survey tree groves. They report on grove status and sell surplus carbon credits Clean Air Action sells carbon credits to individuals and corporations that need to offset their carbon production Problem The existing technology utilized to provide downloading and reviewing of data collected is extremely limited. The only method is a publicly accessible website that provides details on the 150 most recently updated groups. In addition, the method of downloading information is not optimal and is difficult to maintain. This leads to downloading excessive information, which exceeds the capabilities of the handheld devices. Web portal search results Key Features Glossary of Terms User Authentication – Provides filtering of information and access to private data. Translation – Allowing the website to be used by those with difficulty understanding English. Assignments – Allows administrators to assign groups to quantifiers for filtering. Downloading – Allows selections of data to be downloaded; can be selected by user or admin. Administrator – a remote employee whose job is to manage quantifiers, typically located in the same locale as the quantifiers and breaks up the work to be done between them. Quantifier – a remote employee whose job is to survey locations and collect data on the trees in the various areas. Handheld Device – the devices used by quantifiers to collect and view data, typically a PDA or smart phone running special software.