Change Leaders Programme objectives To create a network of leaders who have the energy, enthusiasm and capability to motivate and innovate across organisational boundaries; Support participants in delivering service quality improvement that makes a tangible impact to patient care and to the health economy; To develop the leadership capability of senior clinical leaders and managers who are leading on service improvement
Change Leaders has meant to participants
Change Leaders has meant to my project
Change Leaders has meant to the NHS and my organisation
Participants profile data
Participant profile data
Examples of projects Urgent Care in Bedfordshire - development of a Sub-acute ward and A and E front of house re-design looking at attendance avoidance and admission avoidance. To transform the care and treatment for people suffering from a long term condition or who are complex elderly, bringing together a range of initiatives identified within wither the QIPP Plan or the Reablement Plans across two counties, three local authorities. To deliver holistic, multidisciplinary care to frail, older people in a rapid access out-patient setting. The main drivers for this project came from the fact that the acute trust was facing an increasing number of admissions of older people from the community some of which were inappropriate and some preventable.
Comments from participants “At last, a course that shows you how to put the theory into practice”. “This has been a most enjoyable course. I have learnt so much about why I do things the way I do and have learnt ways of using this information to make change happen” “This course is exactly what it says on the tin! It teaches you how to be a change leader”