Family To Me: a Lyric Poem Family to me has many meanings For all are full of diverse feelings Love and anger, both within a single one Children who stay and children who run Can one family be better than another? It all depends on how they love each other A family’s love should last forever Bonds of love nothing can sever For the family I have, I am happy and blessed And nothing more truthful have I ever confessed Family has many meanings, but one rises above The greatest meaning of family, is that of love
Memories Of My Grandparents’ Place - Poem by Marilyn Lott As I look up on the old pictures Where my grandparents used to live So many memories bring back yesterday For so much they have to give The old chicken house was a landmark That wasn’t used for 40 years at least As I think about those creatures My memories continue to increase Grandpa’s tractor so much a part Of his life as I remember it I smile as I picture him riding On the place where he used to sit
And the roses grandma tended So carefully she cut and pruned I can smell them even now She’d place them in many rooms Grandpa’s old barn, so sad it was And the pictures show so well The usefulness gone many years But I still remember the musky smell Yes, although things won’t be the same I have recollections that will stay with me Grandpa and Grandma are gone But my memories will never flee!