PSYCHOLOGISTS conduct research, practice therapy, or are involved in practical implementation of psych. They are concerned with ALL areas of behavior, not just mental illness PSYCHIATRISTS are medical doctors who primarily prescribe medication INTROSPECTION – “inspect” the inside of the structure, reporting on mental experiences/responses
Papa Wundt’s Structures Started the first psych lab STRUCTURALISM – focus on structures of the mind (various structures are responsible for behavior, mental illness, etc.) & thought rather than what the mind can do INTROSPECTION – “inspect” the inside of the structure, reporting on mental experiences/responses
Da Red Dot changes location only as you watch it and describe what you are experiencing – INTROSPECTION!
Wm James Functional, Adaptive Textbook FUNCTIONALISM – how the mind and behavior have functions & adapt adapt-adjust-apply *Thinking is a function that developed [evolved] because it adapts and allows us to survive
MAX WERTHEIMER GESTALT - The whole is more than the sum of parts MAX WERTHEIMER GESTALT - The whole is more than the sum of parts. . . -Often used in perception illusions “It’s WERTH it to say “GESTALTHEIT”
Sigmund Freud – the “u” is for unconscious Sigmund Freud – the “u” is for unconscious!! Activity & conflict occur in our unconscious that effect personality and behavior
John B. (for BEHAVIORISM) WATSON -all about observable behavior -went to the dogs. . .influenced by Ivan Pavlov’s research on DOG behavior, (conditioning behavior)
B.F. (Behavior Fixer) Skinner (Big Forehead) Animal behavior could be modified by punishments or reinforcements He is the maze-master! (Skinner Box) Use of mazes to test animal response for food reward. -Skinner is my B.F.