Outcomes and cost-effectiveness of ventilator support and aggressive care for patients with acute respiratory failure due to pneumonia or acute respiratory.


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Presentation transcript:

Outcomes and cost-effectiveness of ventilator support and aggressive care for patients with acute respiratory failure due to pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome∗  Mary Beth Hamel, MD, MPH, Russell S Phillips, MD, Roger B Davis, Joan Teno, MD, MS, Alfred F Connors, MD, Norman Desbiens, MD, Joanne Lynn, MD, Neal V Dawson, MD, William Fulkerson, MD, Joel Tsevat, MD, MPH  The American Journal of Medicine  Volume 109, Issue 8, Pages 614-620 (December 2000) DOI: 10.1016/S0002-9343(00)00591-X

Figure 1 Survival among low-risk patients (>70% probability of surviving 2 months), medium-risk patients (51% to 70%), high-risk patients (≤50%), and patients in whom ventilator support was withheld in anticipation of death. The numbers of patients at risk at time 0 were 292 for the low-risk group, 385 for the medium-risk group, 286 for the high-risk group, and 42 for the comfort-care group. At year 2 the numbers at risk were 136 in the low-risk group, 95 in the medium-risk group, and 36 in the high-risk group. At year 4 the numbers at risk were 47 in the low-risk group, 30 in the medium-risk group, and 11 in the low-risk group. The American Journal of Medicine 2000 109, 614-620DOI: (10.1016/S0002-9343(00)00591-X)