A B C D E F G Energy rating NViz Music Power 4 Sankey SS1 Television Input Output Electricity 4000 W x 24 minsk = 5000 KJ Movement ? Heating 4000 kJ Sound 50 kJ Input Output Electricity 200 W x 20 min = 120 kJ Light = 15 J Sound = ? Heating = 100 J Television Air conditioner Input Output Electricity 600 W x 2 min = 72 kJ Movement = 60 kJ Sound = 3 kJ Heating = ? Input Output Electricity 1500 W x 4 min = 3600 J Movement = 500 J Heating = ? Sound = 100 J Electric drill Vacuum cleaner Input Output Electricity 500 W x 10 min = 300 kJ Movement = 50 kJ Heating = 240 kJ Sound = ? kJ Input Output Electricity 3000W x 100 mins= 18,000KJ Heating= 15 000 kJ Sound = 1000 kJ Movement = ? Washing machine Hair dryer A B C D E F G 1
Surroundings NViz Music Power 4 Sankey SS2 Light Heating Electrical A simple way to draw Sankey diagrams Light Heating Electrical A simple way to draw Sankey diagrams Surroundings Light Heating Electrical A simple way to draw Sankey diagrams Light Heating Electrical A simple way to draw Sankey diagrams