Test test Please press the F5 key to begin. (Then, press the Page Up or Page Down keys to move through the following 3 slides.)
Test test Architecture Network Server User Laptop The network server stores the Audit Leverage back-end database, which can be in either Access or SQL Server. It contains the actual Audit Leverage tables and data, but no interface. User Desktop
Test test Audit Leverage Architecture Network Server User Laptop User Desktop The users local machine contains: The Audit Leverage front-end file: the user interface (an Access file), which constantly talks to the back-end data. …and (for laptops only) The Audit Leverage local back-end database: a copy (replica) of your Audit Leverage network database.
Test test Connection Options while traveling Network Server User Laptop User Desktop Front-end Local back-end database Front-end Local back-end database Front-end G:\ Master copy of back-end database Option #2 (c:\) Option #1 (via WAN or VPN) Synchronization With server Peer-to-peer synchronization Option #3 London servers back-end database Automatic (pre-scheduled) synchronization New York servers back-end database (You can also have a separate copy of the back- end database in each city.)