Administrative Vision in 1:1 Laptop Program Marge Spencer Robbi McKenney Brady Public School
How we got started School Improvement Goal External Evaluation Team Arnold Apple Days, with group reflection time Research
Why Implement a laptop initiative?
And you Think Some Teachers Are Resistant to Technology Today...
What is your objectives for implementing a laptop initiative?
Improve student achievement? Determine what you want students to learn.
Improve teaching and learning? Outlining what roles you expect teachers to play in the learning process.
Eliminating the digital divide? For students to be successful in the future, kids will need to begin learning how to obtain and use information at a much more rapid rate.
Prepare students for the real world?
Steps to Get Ready: Organize and empower a district technology planning team, to include board members, teachers and administrators.
Get Teachers approval
Concentrate on Professional Development What we are doing: Inservice time Promote & communicate workshop opportunities to teachers Optional after school monthly short trainings
Administration and School Board Buy In Define emerging technologies for the technology planning committee.
Financial Needs Line item budget Recurring expenses Support staff expense Establish ballpark cost estimates
Policies Acceptable Use Policies for students and staff Student & Parent Laptop Loan Form Teacher Laptop Loan Form
Physical Needs Another Server? Network can handle it? Wireless Network ready for the new load?
Community Support Newsletter & Newspaper articles Brady Days Alumni Open House August BBQ with Technology Kiosk December Senior Citizens Lunch with Tech Tour & Kiosk
Visiting other Schools Develop Tech Committee Research & Price computers Attend Neta
Implementation Time Line Spring 2009 Research PC or Mac Research 1 to 1 & sell to Teachers and Board Teacher Professional Dev. Fall 2009 Increase Prof. Dev. Work on Budget Purchased Teacher laptops and server Spring 2010 Policies prepared Planned student laptop purchases Continuing Prof. Dev. Fall 2010 Teachers - 2 days of Apple Prof. Dev. August - Freshman receive laptops September - 10th-12th grades receive laptops Continue Teacher Prof. Dev. Tech. Coord. classload reduced
Where are we now? Our Goal: Provide learning for our students 24/7 Going live with laptops grades 9-12 Fall 2010
Implementing a 1 to 1 learning program is not something that districts and schools can accomplish overnight.
Its a long-term undertaking that requires leadership, vision and a master plan to guide every aspect of the process. But it can be done. And there has never been a better time.
Our Presentation can be found on Great sources: Check out Always On Podcasts Laptop Initiative Planning Tool (NDE)