March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries SPACE THE FUTURE FRONTIER Don Albrecht Jennifer S. Kutzik Colorado State University Libraries
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries Our Enterprise CSU enrollment = 24,700 Academic research library 109 faculty/staff, 106 student workers Major space expansion started 1994
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries Sheet Flow Disaster
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries Our Enterprise Space expansion completed 1998 Currently planning future space use
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries Welcome to the Mother Ship Five floors in Morgan (main) Library Electronic Information Commons (EIC) –– 240 workstations 3 teaching labs totaling 70 workstations 4 assistive technology rooms 2 smart group study rooms 9 group study rooms 6 scanning workstations 2 open workstations
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries Space Appeal Location Architecture Focal points Color Amenities Open space
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries Whats The Mission? Accommodate change –Emphasis on technology –Individual study habits –Collaborative learning –Assistive technology demands Preserve personal space Provide group space
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries Significant Debates 1)Relaxing food & noise rules 2)Start a laptop checkout service 3)Add productivity tools to EIC
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries Relaxing Food & Noise Rules Pros Matches desires More inviting Director wants it Cons Affect on facility Noise/food cops Staff resistance Results: Staff flocks to coffee cart Facility still clean enough Enforcement not problematic Patron usage increases
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries Checkout Laptop Service Pros Matches needs Bragging rights Director wants it Cons Theft & abuse Connectivity issues Tech Support cost Results: Overwhelming support by students Expanded from 20 to 120 laptops Theft and abuse not significant Major Tech Support & Circulation issues
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries Add Productivity Tools to EIC Pros Strong user demand Cant block Success of laptops Director wants it Cons Staff resistance Loss of EIC focus Lack of equipment Tech Support issues Results: Overwhelming usage by students Positioned to support campus technology PC security has become a major issue Significant Tech Support issues
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries Lessons Learned What Worked For CSU –Checkout laptop service (at a cost) –Wireless computing (at a cost)
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries Adjacent Spaces Electronic Information Labs are adjacent to the Electronic Information Center Labs are opened for general use as needed
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries What Worked For CSU –Relaxing food and noise rules –More group study rooms –More assistive technology
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries Gate Count vs. Enrollment
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries Lessons Learned What Did Not Work For CSU – only workstations –Thin client workstations –Single assistive technology room –Laptops older than 3 years –Waiting until all questions were answered to move ahead
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries Future Frontiers –Continue laptop checkout service –Checkout portable projection kits –Continue group & quiet zones –Search for multiple-use public spaces
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries To Boldly Go … –Use of portable dividing walls? –Size of on-site collection? –Support/promote online chat? (chatty Ask-A-Librarian) –Hours of operation?
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries Where to put 2,000 more seats?
March 18, 2005Computers in Libraries Space: The Future Frontier Don Albrecht Colorado State University Libraries Jennifer S. Kutzik Colorado State University Libraries