Presented By Krypto Security Software, LLC
What is BackStopp is a simple but effective tool to help an organization protect its mobile data in the event of the loss or theft of an employees laptop, PDA or mobile phone.
Traditional Security Tools *********************** Password, L$K1292_2D Traditional security tools require users to remember long and cryptic passwords. Other data security tools rely on external plug in hardware which is often stored and lost with the device.
US DoD Data Deletion Upon receiving a secure decommission message all data files on the lost or stolen device will be destroyed using US Department of Defence standards. BackStopp also deletes critical system files which render the device useless to the thief.
Invisible to the user No user passwords No hardware requirement No restrictions, BackStopp protects all data regardless of its location on the device No expensive infrastructure to install or maintain
Internal or Managed support service Hosted BackStopp servers Mobile employee Employees can activate BackStopp against their lost or stolen laptop by either notifying their organizations support department OR by logging in directly to the BackStopp console.
Multiple communication channels BackStopp uses the most effective communication method available to locate a lost laptop. BackStopps utilisation of the GSM network means a device can be found almost anywhere on earth and if necessary decommissioned even if the device isnt connected to the internet.
… it doesnt stop there …
BackStopp uses the quickest and most cost effective transport mechanisms to detect and decommission a laptop before the data can be compromised. Uses GSM network for maximum speed as well as internet and WiFi connections. Culprit identification for law enforcement agencies. Produces a comprehensive audit trail which is part of an effective Information Assurance policy. Low cost Risk Management for your mobile data. Summary
For more information about BackStopp Contact Krypto Security Software, LLC Phone: