Evaluation of Dynamic Reconfigurable WWW-content Prototypes Beng Multimedia Systems School of Computing Napier University Submission Date: 08.05.2002 Cedric LEO Matric Number: 00210536 Supervisor: Dr William Buchanan 2nd Marker: Ken Barclay
Objectives Research into component design for WWW content. This involves literature searches for research papers, and general published work related to general software reuse and component design. Research into WWW architectures and the associated WWW scripting languages for WWW page delivery, especially highlighting the processing requirements between the client (the browser) and the server (the WWW server). Development of typical WWW based components, and their design and integration into a WWW-based infrastructure.
Appraisals The time and processing overheads involved in using XML-based, and database-driven components. This will involve running experiments, which will measure the overhead in processing times for the different configuration mechanisms. The performance of XML against database-driven components for configuring WWW components.
Critical Evaluation
Further Work Basis for further work could be implementing reusable components according to the next aims: - Fast (scripts structures and implementing methods) - Reliable (conceived to last) - Robust (following the infrastructure)