Wake Up! “... you have a reputation of being alive,


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Presentation transcript:

Wake Up! “... you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.  Wake up!” Rev 3:1-2 “Wake up, sleeper,     rise from the dead,      and Christ will shine on you” Eph 5:14 St James, Taunton 1 July 2018 www.stjamestaunton.co.uk

I’m most creative when I’m asleep” “Shhh ... I’m most creative when I’m asleep”

“Shhh ... Don’t wake me, I know what I’m doing!”

Did I dream hearing my name being called? 1 Samuel 3 Did I dream hearing my name being called?

“Speak Lord for your servant is listening” 1 Samuel 3 “Speak Lord for your servant is listening”

Wake up and smell the coffee! “Get Real!”

“Get Real!”

“Get Real!” Wake up to reality

“Get Real!” Find out what pleases the Lord Eph 5:10 Understand what the Lord’s will is Eph 5:17 “Get Real!”

Live as children of light Find out what pleases the Lord Eph 5:10 Understand what the Lord’s will is Eph 5:17 “Get Real!” Be very careful then, how you live Making the most of every opportunity Be filled with the Spirit Eph 5:15-18 Live as children of light Eph 5:8

Lucky Jonah! Find out what pleases the Lord Eph 5:10 Understand what the Lord’s will is Eph 5:17 Lucky Jonah!

Goodness Righteousness Truth Find out what pleases the Lord Eph 5:10 Understand what the Lord’s will is Eph 5:17 Goodness Righteousness Truth Eph 5:9

Goodness Righteousness Truth Find out what pleases the Lord Eph 5:10 Understand what the Lord’s will is Eph 5:17 Goodness Righteousness Truth Eph 5:9 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

Wake up and smell the coffee! “Get Real!”

“Get Real!” Wake up and ... Complete your deeds Remember what you have heard Obey Repent Rev 3: 2-3

act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God “Whoever has ears, let them hear  what the Spirit says to the churches” Rev 3:6 Wake up and feel the spirit! “Get Real!” The worthy will “walk with me” Rev 3:4 act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God

“Oh dear! Have I missed it? Wake up, sleeper,  rise from the dead,  and Christ will shine on you