Canada vs. Zimbabwe a country comparison Canadian Geography Human Systems
Background Map of country, region, continent Brief background of country Canada is a rich country (GDP ranks 13th) Canada is a politically stable democracy No wars Some tension between French and English speaking regions
Country overview Geographic overview of Canada Location (described on maps) Canada’s climate is seasonal with cold winters and hot summers It is the second largest country in the world Geographic overview of Zimbabwe Location Politics Issues environment
Population Pyramids Canada Zimbabwe
Population Analysis Type Trends Observations Canada’s pyramid is stable to slightly negative Trends Canada’s population will decline Observations Canada will have to deal with an aging population in the future
Demographic data Zimbabwe Population Area Population density CANADA 34,834,841 9,984,670 sq km 3.49 people/km2 Zimbabwe Population Area Population density
Natural Increase Rate CBR CDR NIR 10.29/1000 8.31/1000 NIR = CBR-CDR Therefore: 10.29-8.31 = 1.98/1000 CBR CDR NIR
Migration and Growth NMR = 5.66/1000 Growth Rate % .764% Doubling Time (70/GR%) 91.6 years Net Migration Growth Rate (as %) Doubling Time
Other Statistics Life Expectancy IMR: Literacy: Life Expectancy 81.67 years Males = 79.01 yrs Females = 84.42 yrs IMR: 4.71/1000 Literacy: 99% Life Expectancy Infant Mortality Rates Literacy Rates
Final Analysis Compare and contrast the two countries Which is more similar to Canada? Why? What sources have you used to back up your position?
References Zimbabwe, (2014). The CIA World Factbook. Retrieved from: factbook/geos/zw.html