The Saguenay Flood By Matthias Pizzera July 19,20,21, 1996
What climate factors caused the flood? The region of Saguenay is fairly high so Relief could have an effect, because it gets more rainfall then lower lying regions The reason why there was a flood in the region of Saguenay is because it had been raining for the last couple of days nonstop
It was hard to contain all the water in one place by the dams, so they broke and the whole community was affected
How many people were affected? In what ways. Over 16,000 people were evacuated. The official death tolls were ten deaths What made the flood even worse was that it occurred during the Tourist season, so they were affected too
In the end, 488 homes were destroyed, 1,230 damaged They were affected because they didn’t have a place to stay because their house was being swept away by the rapid rain, and they had no place to go
What kind of damage was caused? At what cost? Estimates reach CAD $1.5 billion in damages, a cost made greater by the disaster's occurrence at the height of the tourist season This is the worst Flooding in Canada to ever be recorded, and also the most expensive The government helped out a lot with the people that were affected and lost their homes The community did fundraisers to try to rebuild the society Over 500 homes were destroyed and more then 1000 heavily damaged
Interesting facts The region of Saguenay had an overabundance of dams, that collapsed due to the flood Many of these dams are privately owned, and used to power the houses in the region. Rivers were swollen and reservoirs were filling to the overflow.
Important facts Scientists said that it was a disaster that was to strike once every 10000 years Also what made the situation worse is that the regions had an overabundance of dams
Map of the region of saguenay