Expectations of the Regional Networks Sustained Activity (no dormancy) Meetings every one or two years (18 months) as needed Host provides venue support Cost share amongst funding partners – national, regional, international Network point of contact (elected or volunteered) Active Web site (can be hosted by GOFC program as needed) Mission statement – Goals stated Identify Network members Showcase their projects A means for people to join – invitation or open - LCLUC Project regional partners? Established links to end users – showcasing their programs Proposals to START for cost share meetings are expected
Expectations of the Regional Networks
Capacity building approaches and consistency – how can we design to make it effective; Data initiative approach may not be enough; other approaches need to be explored. Series of tools development Online teaching courses; partnerships with Univ’s Make the materials available online to all (once training is done to training attendees; All RN’s to be part of Webinars Train the trainers approach (important to choose to train – so that dissemination is effective after the training; smaller number with more trainers (may not work effectively unless resources are provided to trainers; instead – online training options might be much more beneficial;
Training material to update systematically to cope up with latest technologies (online material) Train the trainers may not work in Africa due to functional/logistic/travel relate issues; Combination of approaches on Training should be the strategy; Training based on some activity/focus/theme will help; Action – Benefits of being a part of GOFC RN template – and vice versa Each RN can articulate their needs (inputs for space agencies);
Start up money needs GOFC Mailing list Network expansion and including new members and strategies on sustainability Bringing new expertise into networks; Inter-network meetings; Quarterly TELECONS between networks to share information and funding opportunities Communication through websites RN’s should have been given time to discuss among themselves