What Is the Role of Injectables in the Modern Era of MS Treatment?
The "Platform Injectables"
IFNβ-1b: 11-Year Follow-Up of BENEFIT Trial in CIS
IM IFNβ-1a 15-Year Follow-Up: Mean EDSS
Long-Term Results With GA: 15-Year Open-Label Study
UK Multiple Sclerosis Risk-Sharing Scheme: 6 Years of Injectables
Injectables: Long-Term Safety
Strategies for Minimizing Injection-Site Reactions
GALA 3-Year Results: Efficacy of GA 40 mg/mL 3X Weekly
SC PegIFNβ-1a and GA 40 mg/mL 3X Weekly: Safety
Adherence With New Formulations of SC IFNβ-1a and GA
Using Injectables in Clinical Practice: Considerations
Importance of Injectables in the Treatment Armamentarium
Role of Platform Injectables: Lessons From Hypertension Management
Clinical Trials With Injectables: Applying Data to Today's MS Patients
Sequencing With Platform Injectables
CombiRx: IM IFNβ-1a Plus GA
SENTINEL: IM IFNβ-1a Plus Natalizumab
Combining Immunomodulators: Lessons From Rheumatoid Arthritis Management
Challenges in Developing Follow-On Products
IFNβ Plus Teriflunomide
TV-5010 Development: Short-Term Preclinical and Clinical Studies Did Not Raise Concerns
TV-5010 Development: Long-term Toxicology Studies Raised Concerns
Meeting the Challenges in Developing Follow-On Products: Regulatory Guidance
Abbreviations (cont)
Abbreviations (cont)