Alan Fisher APE Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Alan Fisher APE Meeting 2010-09-21 Beam-Loss Monitors Alan Fisher APE Meeting 2010-09-21

Cherenkov BLMs for PEP-II

Argonne BLMs Argonne borrowed a PEP BLM, then made their own version for APS Later, another version for LCLS Surrounds the beampipe with a Y-shaped fused-silica Cherenkov radiator Ran out of money after building 5 Put on every 8th girder Put recycled PEP-II BLMs on all 33 girders Now they’ve completed BLMs for all girders Being installed this week

Sketch of Argonne BLM on Girder

Simulations performed with RIBO Monte Carlo code Nonuniform Response Simulations performed with RIBO Monte Carlo code RC = 0.95 RC = 0.96 RC = 0.97 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.60 0.40 0.20

Block the Stem with Lead

Lead-Brick Test at 13.6 GeV