Approaches to Additivity Thomas Backhaus, University of Gothenburg Email: Twitter: @ThoBaSwe
Approaches to mixture assessment Whole mixture testing Sophisticated PBPK models Lead-compound approach Component-based approaches
Lead compound approach One defined compound is selected as the “lead” compound of a given (sub)mixture It is assumed that the whole (sub)mixture has a toxicity similar to this compound That is, the mixture is simply assumed to comprise only the lead compound Used in CLP, REACH
Approaches to mixture assessment Whole mixture testing Sophisticated PBPK models Lead-compound approach Component-based approaches
Approaches to Additivity Effect Summation Response Addition Concentration Addition
Adding Effects Effect Summation E(mix) Effect of the mixture E(ci) Effect of compound if applied singly ci Concentraion of compound i n number of mixture components
Effect Summation leads to inconsistent assessments
Effect Summation leads to inconsistent assessments
Approaches to Additivity – Adding probabilities Response Addition, Independent Action Mortality Survival E(mix) Effect of the mixture E(ci) Effect of compound if applied singly ci Concentraion of compound i n number of mixture components
Approaches to Additivity – Adding probabilities Response Addition, Independent Action Joint effect is higher than each individual effect! Subst.1 = 50% Subst.2 = 50% Mixture = 75%
Adding fractions of equi-effective concentrations Concentration Additivity, Toxic Unit Summation, Additivity formula RQ Risk quotient of the mixture ECx(mix) Concentration of the mixture that causes x% effect cMix Concentration of the mixture ECxi Concentration of compound I that causes x% effect if applied singly ci Concentration of compound i in a mixture that gives x% effect n number of mixture components
Approaches to Concentration Additivity Simple similar action Toxic Equivalency Factor Relative Potency Factor Point of Departure Index Hazard Index Addition of risk quotients (PEC/PNEC’s)
Simple similar action
Simple similar action Simple Similar Action, Relative Potency Factor, Toxicity Equivalency Factor, Toxic Equivalent Quantity (TEQ) TEFi Toxicity Equivalency Factor for compound I ci Concentration of compound i in the mixture n number of mixture components
Not-so-simple similar action Faust et al. 2001. Predicting the joint algal toxicity of multi-component s-triazine mixtures at low-effect concentrations of individual toxicants. Aquatic Toxicology
Not-so-simple similar action Altenburger et al. Predictability of the toxicity of multiple chemical mixtures to Vibrio fischeri: mixtures composed of similarly acting chemicals. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Not-so-simple similar action Altenburger et al. Predictability of the toxicity of multiple chemical mixtures to Vibrio fischeri: mixtures composed of similarly acting chemicals. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Point of Departure Index Point of Departure Index (PODI) Endpointi NOEC of compound i recorded in a specific assay PODi Point of Departure for compound i
Point of Departure Index Point of Departure Index (PODI) Endpointi NOEC of compound i recorded in a specific assay PODi Point of Departure for compound i ci Concentraion of compound i n number of mixture components
Hazard Index Hazard Index, PEC/PNEC summation PNECi Predicted No Effect Concentration of compound i PNECMixture Predicted No Effect Concentration of the mixture i PECi Predicted Environmental Concentration of Compound i PECmixture Predicted Environmental Concentration of the mixture n number of mixture components
Hazard Index – Difficult to interpret Compound 1: PEC1=0.4*10-4 EC50Algae: 1.0 EC50Daphnids: 0.1 PNEC = 10-4 EC50Fish: 1.0 Compound 2: PEC2= 0.8*10-4 EC50Algae: 0.1 PNEC = 10-4 EC50Daphnids: 1.0
Hazard Index – Difficult to interpret Compound 1 Compound 2 0.4 0.8 ?
The following slide was added as a consequence of the discussions during the workshop. For further details on the suggested tiered approach for using additivity in the context of REACH (and similar frameworks), please see: Backhaus, T., Faust, M. Predictive environmental risk assessment of chemical mixtures: a conceptual framework, Environmental Science and Technology, 46(5), 2012,
CA needs to be applied in a tiered fashion CA using PNEC values CA using actual toxdata for each concerned species & endpoint Comparative application of CA and IA using full concentration-response functions toxdata for each concerned species & endpoint
Commonalities of the different CA incarnations Component-based Mixture risk is higher than risk of individual compounds Need to know exposure level (internal or external) Need to have a potency measure that relates to the same level of effect
Commonalities of the different CA incarnations Knowledge needed on the underlying modes of action Data demands Ease of interpretation
Critical issues (in the context of this workshop) Mixtures might be chemically poorly defined Synergistic and/or antagonistic interactions Handling of poorly soluble but still toxic compounds
CA in the context of UVCB substances CA is component-based and can thus only be applied to defined mixture Use in the context of UVCBs: application to the defined part in order to identify important mixture drivers, assess the (eco)toxicological impact of batch-to-batch variations, etc. Used in TIE (Toxicity Identification and Evaluation) resp. EDA (Effect Directed Analysis) to confirm identified components and mixture drivers.
CA in the context of UVCB substances Brack. Effect-directed analysis: a promising tool for the identification of organic toxicants in complex mixtures? Anal Bioanal Chem (2003)
Synergistic or antagonistic interactions Synergism: toxicity is higher than expected by toxic unit summation, i.e. less of a mixture is needed to cause a predefined toxicity. Antagonism: toxicity is lower than expected by toxic unit summation, i.e. more of a mixture is needed to cause a predefined toxicity. Can be cause by toxicodynamic, toxicokinetic interactions, and/or by data gaps and biases.
A real-world pesticide mixture Decreasing TU Finizio et al., Agr. Eco. Env., 111,111-118, 2005 Junghans et al., Aquatic Toxicology, 76, 93-110, 2006
A real-world pesticide mixture 1 compound 10x more toxic than estimated
A real-world pesticide mixture First n compound 10x more toxic than estimated
A real-world pesticide mixture n randomly selected compounds 10x more toxic than estimated
The implications of CA-data demands
The implications of CA-data demands
The implications of CA-data demands
The implications of CA-data demands
The implications of CA-data demands
Final comments and conclusions “Additivity” can mean whole lot of different things… “Concentration Additivity can mean a whole lot of different things Most common incarnation: toxic unit summation, hazard index Mixtures buffer against synergistic interactions – the more compounds, the better
Final comments and conclusions CA does not directly allow to calculate the expected effect of a mixture. Full concentration-response curves for each component are needed for that purpose. Applicability is limited to the effect range that is covered by all compounds. Problem if some compounds do not reach a pre- defined effect level.
Final comments and conclusions Simplifications of CA (Hazard Index etc) make data collection easier and interpretation more fuzzy.
Final comments and conclusions CA, mainly in the form of toxic unit summation or hazard indices, is the only mixture toxicity concept that has found widespread application (REACH, CLP, but also pesticide & biocide regulations). Detailed mode-of-action based approaches often discussed and included in the guidelines, but rarely used. Lack of data, lack of concern (motivation).
Approaches to Additivity Thomas Backhaus, University of Gothenburg Email: Twitter: @ThoBaSwe