Ife: Origin of Art and Civilization
Portrait of a female Ooni Leaded brass, 800-500 BP
Head of an Ooni probably used in Kingship Rituals, 800-500 BP
Head of an Ooni probably used in Rituals of annual renewal Leaded brass, 800-500 BP
Masked depicting Ooni Obalufon, Eponymous ancestor of brass casters Leaded brass, 700-500 BP
Figure of Ooni Leaded brass, 600-500 BP
Bust of Ooni Leaded brass 500-400 BP
Entwined Royal Couple, Ife, Nigeria Leaded Brass 12th -15th Cent.
Head representing the Royal usurper Lajuwa, Terracotta, 700-500 BP
Female figure, Terracotta 700-500 BP
Head of female Ooni Terracotta, 800-700 BP
Head of female Ooni, Terracotta, 800-700 BP
Head of a ritual specialist, Ife, Yoruba Terracotta, 700-600 BP
Ritual vessel, Terracotta, 700-600 BP
Abstract head depicting the inner spiritual head Terracotta, 700 -600 BP
Ritual Pot, Terracotta, 800-600 BP
Head of an Elephant Terracotta 800-500 BP
Ceremonial vessel Leaded brass 800 BP
Summary Ife was certainly a royal art Ife was the religious and political center of divine rulers Many of the heads were used for enthronement rituals; second burial ceremonies; and in honor of deceased kings and Queens-- Validating the notion that “kings/rulers may die, but the institution of kingship (ruler-ship) does not die”
The Art of Owo Located approximately midway between the Ancient Kingdoms of Ife and Benin Style Elements Greatly influenced by the Cultural and Artistic traditions of Ife and Benin Idealized Naturalism Art was predominantly in terracotta, wood and ivory for members of the royal household and titled chiefs
Fragment of a Head from a full figure, Possibly that of Oronsen Terracotta, 500 B.P
Upper half of Male figure, Terracotta, 9.13/16 inches. 700-500 B.P
Leopard gnawing A human leg, Terracotta
Arms holding an animal’s Head, Terracotta 14.3/16 in.
Cock, Terracotta, 4.5/16 in. 500 B.P
Fragment of a mudfish swallowing a lobster, Terracotta, 5. 1/8 in Fragment of a mudfish swallowing a lobster, Terracotta, 5.1/8 in. 500 B.P
Basket of severed Heads with slashed Faces, Terracotta
Fragment of a face form a ritual pot, Terracotta, 500 B.P
Hand holding a rat or a Lizard, Terracotta, 6.5/16 in. 500 B.P
Hand holding a leaf, Terracotta, 4.5/16 in. 500 B.P
Divination Tapper (Iroke-Ifa), Ivory, 17th-18th century.
Lidded Vessel Ivory, 18th century,
Ivory Attachment, (Omama) 17th/18th Century, 6.in