Acts–Expanding Church Welcome to New Testament Picture Scripture! This is an attempt at aiding you in learning the chapter content of the entire New Testament. The pictures will aid your memory. Many of them are quite strange as we tend to remember that which is different. The pictures are not meant to be irreverent but rather just a memory device whose purpose is to allow people to learn the word of God more easily, effectively and in a more long term manner. The pictures were drawn by Jacquie Jensen. Return to Biblical Studies Go Gordon
Acts–Expanding Church You can navigate by the side frame or bottom next/previous buttons. If you go full screen just click to get to the next chapter, right click to go to previous and the Escape key will bring you back the navigation screen. If you have any questions, suggestions or complaints please feel free to let me know. Ted Hildebrandt, Gordon College, 255 Grapevine Rd. Wenham, MA 01984 ( This material is copyrighted but may be used with permission. Return to Biblical Studies Go Gordon
Acts 1 Christ Goes Up, Matthias
Acts 2 Spirit Comes Down, Pentecost
Acts 3 Lame Man, Peter’s Sermon
Acts 4 Peter Imprisoned, Community Sharing
Acts 5 Ananias & Saphira, Angelic Release, Gamaliel
Acts 6 Deacons, Stephen
Acts 7 Stephen’s Stony Speech
Acts 8 Saul, Philip’s Ministry, Simon Magus, Ethiopian Eunuch
Acts 9 Damascus Road, Early Ministry, Peter & Dorcas
Acts 10 Cornelius & Peter
Acts 11 Peter tells of Cornelius, Christians scatter to Antioch
Acts 12 Peter’s Angelic Release, James & Herod’s Deaths
Acts 13 1 M.J. , Paul’s sermon and turning to the Gentiles, Magician
Acts 14 1 M.J., Heals Cripple, Made Gods at Lystra
Acts 15 Jerusalem Council on circumcision, John Mark Dispute
Acts 16 Timothy Circumcised, Macedonian Call, Lydia, Philippian Jailer
Acts 17 Jason’s House Assaulted, Mars Hill
Acts 18 Priscilla & Aquilla, Before Gallio, Apollos
Acts 19 Ephesus Receives H.S., Imitators, Exorcists, Great is Artemis
Acts 20 Eutychus, Paul’s farewell to Ephesus, Plans Jerusalem
Acts 21 Agabus, Paul at Jerusalem
Acts 22 Paul’s Defense
Acts 23 Question of the Resurrection, Paul’s danger
Acts 24 Felix
Acts 25 Festus, Appeal to Caesar
Acts 26 Agrippa, Almost
Acts 27 Voyage to Rome
Acts 28 Island of Malta, Rome
Acts–Expanding Church Thanks for viewing the chapter content of Acts in Picture format. This is the end of the book of Acts and of this presentation. Return to Biblical Studies Go Gordon