Oh, Mrs. Hahn, you are so funny! In poetry everything is permitted With only these conditions of course; You have to improve on the blank page. - Nicanor Parra
RAPID WRITE Hold your breath because on the next slide there are 10 AMAZING, SPECTACULAR, INSPIRING, DELICIOUS quotes about writing. You will have 3 mins to write about and response to the quote that speaks to you! Okay, breathe!
Inspirational Writing Quotes So while our art cannot, as we wish is could, save us from wars, privations, envy, greed, old age, or death, it can revitalize us amidst it all… - Ray Bradbury I am the only one who can tell the story of my life and say what it means. – Dorothy Allison Writing can change the past; it can change our personal history. – Louise Desalvo I mean all human beings – are connected with this; that the whole world is a work of art; that we are parts of the work of art. – Virginia Woolf One can’t be an expert in [the writing] process. By its very nature process can’t be mastered. Because it’s not finished. And who knows what will happen next? – Nancy Morris You have a soul in you of rare quality, an artist’s nature; never let it starve for lack of what it needs. – Marcel Proust Writing. A gift that comes to us. A gift we give ourselves. A gift we give others. – Louise Desalvo Creative energy tends to be self-renewing, and to produce its own chain reaction of health and further effort. – Colin Wilson This writing is what I was brought here to do. And my purpose is to get out the word, to witness, and give testimony. So I’m on a mission… - Sapphire What is important…must be spoken, made verbal and shared, even at the risk of having it bruised or misunderstood. – Audre Lorde
How to Write a Rotten Poem I pity the fool who doesn’t write poetry!”
If I Had A Name Like Rosie Fernandez - Wendy Morton I would wear gardenias and orchids in my hair I would buy some hot sauce Called “Jump up and kiss me”. I would offer it to strangers. If I had a name like Rosie Fernandez I would know how to tango, I would sing anywhere, I would tap dance on sidewalks. I would fall in love insistently, Spend hours in cafes with a broken heart and good coffee. Oh, if I had a name like Rosie Fernandez, I would know it.
If I had a name like…
Talent - Carol Ann Duffy This is the word tightrope. Now imagine a man, inching across it in the space between our thoughts. He holds our breath. There is no word net. You want him to fall, don’t you? I guessed as much; he teeters but succeeds. The word applause is written all over him.
You TRY!
Similes Her haircut was like… The student looked at him as if… Megan’s clarinet sounded like… David’s shot was as sick as… Mrs. Hahn’s English class is like…
In the Nursing Home - Jane Kenyon She is like a horse grazing a hill pasture that someone makes smaller by coming every night to pull the fences in and in. She has stopped running wide loops, stopped even the tight circles. She drops her head to feed; grass is dust, and the creekbed's dry. Master, come with your light halter. Come and bring her in.
You know the -
Get Up!! It’s Game Time! This is a __________, but not only is it a ________ it’s also a ___________.
Metaphor poem
Metaphor Poem Guidelines Select a person – Mother, cousin, BFF etc. Select physical feature that represent part of his/her personality Cannot use “like” or “as” in the comparisons Avoid clichés or obvious metaphors
List Poem Starters I remember… When I’m a parent… At midnight… I want… I wish… Don’t forget… Listen… Perhaps… Never… In the morning… Always… Tomorrow… Don’t… Imagine… What if…
Whose line is it anyway? Whose Line Clip
Sample Found Poem Prose Selections from Chang-rae Lee’s “Coming Home, Again” From that day, my mother prepared a certain meal to welcome me home. It was always the same. Even as I rode the school’s shuttle bus from Exeter to Logan airport, I could already see the exact arrangement of my mother’s table. I knew that we would eat in the kitchen, the table brimming with plates. There was the kalbi, of course, broiled or grilled depending on the season. Leaf lettuce, to wrap the meat with. Bowls of garlicky clam broth with miso and tofu and fresh spinach. Shavings of cod dusted in flour and then dipped in egg wash and fried. Glass noodles with onions and shiitake. Scallion-and-hot-pepper pancakes. Chilled steamed shrimp. Seasoned salads of bean sprouts, spinach, and white radish. Crispy squares of seaweed. Steamed rice with barley and red beans. Homemade kimchi. It was all there—the old flavors I knew, the beautiful salt, the sweet, the excellent taste. (p. 5) .................................................................................................................... I wish I had paid more attention. After her death, when my father and I were the only ones left in the house, drifting through the rooms like ghosts, I sometimes tried to make that meal for him. Though it was too much for two, I made each dish anyway, taking as much care as I could. But nothing turned out quite right—not the color, not the smell. At the table, neither of us said much of anything. And we had to eat the food for days. (p. 6) You can find the full essay at http://readwritethink.org/lesson_images/lesson998/ComingHomeAgain.pdf
Found Poem Based on the Prose Selection My mother prepared A certain meal To welcome me home. We would eat in the kitchen Table brimming Kalbi, leaf lettuce to wrap the meat Garlicky clam broth with miso and tofu and fresh spinach Shavings of cod Scallion and pepper pancakes Chilled steamed shrimp Steamed rice. The old flavors I knew Beautiful, salt, sweet, excellent. I wish I had paid more attention.
Here’s another example! Found Poem Here’s another example!
Examine the model and determine the form of the Glosa!
Glosa Form Four lined quote at the top – includes the source and author 4 stanzas Each stanza is 10 lines each The each line from the quote appears as the last line from the corresponding stanza For example: Line 1 from the quote becomes the last line for stanza 1, Line 2 from the quote becomes the last line for stanza 2, etc.