Do some extra practice on your targets. Spring Term – 1st Half This half term our main topic is North America. Alongside the weekly tasks set (spellings, reading and maths targets), please can your child choose a task to complete. Make a 3D model of a famous American landmark. E.g The Statue of Liberty, Hollywood sign Write a short description of an animal in French. Draw a picture to show which animal you are describing. Write a newspaper article about something exciting that you have done at the weekend. Create a factfile of a state or country in North America. You could include the capital city, population etc. Do some extra practice on your targets. Write an alternative ending to your favourite fairy tale. You could present this by writing it into your homeowrk book, creating a storyboard or a cartoon strip. Write a travel guide/brochure about a country in North America. Write persuasively to encourage someone to go there. Include pictures to make it eye-catching.