The Second Coming of Christ Part 1 Eschatology The Second Coming of Christ Part 1
Who Believes? See 2 Pet. 3:3-7. “Men do not believe in the second coming of Christ because they do not believe Christ. “To question the second coming of Christ is to question the integrity of the Scriptures themselves and even more significantly the integrity of Christ who proclaimed that He would come again.
The second coming is a proposition of faith The second coming is a proposition of faith. It is founded upon the revelation of God, the Scriptures. Those who reject the Bible reject its account of the judgment of God in the flood and consequently refuse the impending judgment to come. To receive and believe what the Bible says about Jesus Christ necessitates belief in the doctrine of inspiration and revelation and therefore the doctrine of the Second Coming.
What is the Basis for Believing Old Testament panorama of prophetic truth demands the Second Coming. While it has been often noted that the prophets saw the advent of Christ as one event, retrospect from the New Testament perspective makes clear that only part of the prophecies concerning Messiah were fulfilled in His first coming.
There is a pre-flood prophecy of the second coming referenced by inspiration in the New Testament. (Jude 14,15) Isaiah well illustrates the point that the suffering Savior of Isaiah 53 is also the Son who has the government (rulership) upon His shoulder (Isaiah 9:6). This same person will rule the earth in which even nature itself will be radically different. The spiritual atmosphere will also be greatly altered. (Isa. 11:1-9)
The second basis for believing the Second Coming lies in the emphatic statements of Christ Himself. Unless you are prepared to accuse Him of self-delusion, you must accept the numerous promises He made. (John 14:1-3; 21:20-23; Matt. 24:30; 26:63,64) In the final promise of the Bible, Jesus states that He will come again. (Rev. 22:20) If men are unwilling to receive the clear unequivocal words of Christ, they will not be convinced regardless of the evidence. Seeing is not believing; hearing the Word of God is believing! (John 20:26-31)
The third basis for believing the Second Coming lies in the sheer volume of references to the fact. “One out of every twenty-five verses in the New Testament makes mention of the Second coming” “318 references to it are made in 216 chapters.”
If we take the appropriate premise that emphasis upon any given subject should be proportionate to the emphasis placed in Scripture, we ought to be talking about the Second Coming of Christ, all the time.