Real world problems – Real world solutions by Martin Dix I started current cost in 2006 , following the initiatives of the Kyoto protocol, Tony charged the utility companies to reduce carbon (the carbon emissions reduction target) – they would give away Energy saving bulbs, insulation and energy monitors…
Energy monitoring c.2006 AD and they in turn would get tax incentives .This is a fairly typical device we sold into the big six… finally totalling 3 million units deployed
3 Million sold - CERT and they in turn would get tax incentives .This is a fairly typical device we sold into the big six… finally totalling 3 million units deployed
50,000 online But the reality is its often more than 1 watt and OFGEM determined the savings were between 8 and 15% off the average bill.
Appliances that go bump in the night But looking at this data something else became obvious
But looking at this data something else became obvious… But looking at this data something else became obvious…. You could suddenly see a picture… what time people get up, have a shower, have their morning cuppa, watch TV, go out, come home, have dinner, go to bed…. And so on
Behold… IOT So, now what we do is apparently called IOT.. I prefer to think of it as extra help…. IOT is suddenly around us, IOT this, IOT that… with precious few examples of the elusive IOT.. why.. because no one wants a tweeting freezer any more than an emailing hot water bottle.. in fact I’ll be so bold as to suggest no one in this room will ever own one.
A tweeting fridge or an emailing freezer? But how about your freezer telling you its stopped working properly… far better you get a text to tell you than you have to find 100 litres of Iceland food soup
Where there’s a will.. Or if its now using too much energy….. family anecdote.
Theres something very comforting to know your loved ones have actually had their constitutional morning cuppa… it says they’re alive… what a great way to start any day. And that simple salient piece of information is often all you need to make sure someone is OK
How about that an elderly relative is freezing when they have no visitors, in an effort to save money… or leaving heaters on at night forgetfully?
A critical alert?? Wouldn’t you rather know that an elderly relative or neighbour has left the house during the night at they time they left.. rather than hours later…. Our system can send instant SMS to any number of interested parties
We now report back on real levels of carbon monoxide… the silent killer… well they call it the silent killer, but they should call it the silent headache maker or insomnia creator… constant lower levels of CO can cause untold problems long before it carries out its unannounced murder
Charting your CO levels can also tell you that your boiler may be inefficient… another way to save money
In every sense
Critical alerts to phone - email
Critical alerts to phone - email
And all a whole lot cheaper than a tweeting fridge Thank you