Grand Lodge of Nebraska How to Transfer a Member to your Lodge in the Grand Lodge of Nebraska Lodge Secretary Interface Grand Lodge of Nebraska Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons Membership Management System
Once logged into your interface, to transfer a member of a Nebraska Lodge to your Lodge, start by clicking on the “Add New Member” link.
Here you will have a choice of adding New Degree Candidate (a person joining Masonry for the first time) or Affiliate Member from another Nebraska Lodge click on 2
By clicking on the drop down arrow you’ll get a list to work with, click on the (Transfer)
can be obtained from the completed Once the Transfer is selected you’ll need to fill in the additional required information. All of the information you will need can be obtained from the completed Petition for Affiliation Membership form.
Once the information is complete click the "Submit Affiliation" button Once the information is complete click the "Submit Affiliation" button. This submission, just like all of the other changes is reviewed at the Grand Lodge level for accuracy.
Petition for Affiliation The petitioner should thoroughly complete all questions on the petition, and must be recommended by two members of the lodge he is petitioning. Before the petition may be received and read in lodge, a certificate of good standing from the brother’s current lodge must be obtained. If the petitioner has not already done so, it is then the responsibility of the Secretary to obtain the certificate. The petition for affiliation is read at a regular communication of the lodge and referred to an Investigating Committee. The petition must lay over for 28 days before it is balloted on, and the procedures for investigation and balloting are the same as for a petition for initiation.
How to Transfer a Member to your Lodge This completes the How to Transfer a Member to your Lodge