Title of your research (32 pt. font)


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Presentation transcript:

Title of your research (32 pt. font) PIs and Departments (16 font) Motivation (font 28 pt.) What problem is being addressed (font 20 pt.) What is the major scientific challenge being addressed More details about the scientific challenge (font 28) Statements about current state of knowledge and what is missing (font 20 pt.) Statements about current state of knowledge and what is missing Only one or two main points per slide Use notes section to explain more detail about main point (the take home message) Example figure(s) illustrating the scientific challenge

Title of your research (32 pt. font) PIs and Departments (16 font) Objective (font 28 pt.) State main research objectives (font 20 pt.) These should easily link back to motivation and scientific challenge Approach (The next two bullets may take more than one slide) Statements about main approach (font 20 pt.) Statements about approach details Uniqueness of approach What is different about your approach from the current state-of-the-art Why it’s better – should link to overcoming a scientific challenge Example figure(s) illustrating the Approach and how it differs from others

Title of your research (32 pt. font) PIs and Departments (16 font) Scientific Accomplishments (font 28 pt.) This is more free form (font 20 pt.) May take several slides Should show results and how they improve state-of-the-art Only include one or two ideas per slide Write extra comments in the notes section of power point Example figure(s) illustrating the Result of accomplishment

Title of your research (32 pt. font) PIs and Departments (16 font) Future Research Plans (font 28 pt.) This will illustrate the research plan for the future. (font 20 pt.) You’ve made progress through the CRI grant. Now what are the next logical steps, research goals and aspirations. Example figure(s) illustrating the Future research plan

Title of your research (32 pt. font) PIs and Departments (16 font) PI Awards Significant awards received External Funding Outreach Update Who have you contacted at mission agencies?