New coolant selection for Daimler Trucks Coolant changes New coolant selection for Daimler Trucks
Coolant Changes Effective June 2015 Factory Fill Extended life coolant changed from NOAT to OAT Current engines run higher coolant temps Current engines have more aluminum content OAT is a superior Extended Life Coolant for the current engines OAT test strips yield more accurate results
Coolant Compatibility Customers running Extended Life Coolant need to be educated on the impact of these changes DO NOT use NOAT to top off OAT systems CAN use OAT to top off NOAT systems
Coolant Filter Coolant filter eliminated from new engines built with OAT Lower maintenance costs over the engine lifetime Coolant filter can be removed and not re-installed on any existing engine regardless of coolant type Coolant filter was a bypass filter and only filtered 15% of coolant
Compatible Coolants: Read your coolant label and look for: Conventional Coolant ASTM D6210 Detroit Diesel 93K217 Cummins CES14603 Must be pink or purple Fully formulated with SCAs OAT Coolant ASTM D6210 Detroit Diesel 93K217 Cummins CES14603