Hawthorne Report
Hawthorne Report 1959: (A Survey of the Contemporary Indians of Canada) What is it: Federally funded report that looked at how FNs are doing What did it find: FNs are suffering immensely economically and socially HUGE INEQUALITIES -After the Hawthorne report a White Paper is issued to provide recommendations for the gov’t given what has been learned White Paper: a gov’t report with recommendations to fix / address a problem
White Paper: Recommendations after Hawthorne Report 1 main recommendation was made: 1. REPEAL (get rid of) THE INDIAN ACT Other Recommendations: -FN controlled Reserves -Destroy the Department of Indian Affairs -Provincial Govts. to control all issues FN (not Fed gov) -Eliminate TREATY RIGHTS
FN Response to the White Paper How do you think FNs responded to this? -Unanimously disagreed with the recommendations -Not OK with eliminating TREATY RIGHTS IF treaty rights eliminated: destroy “Aboriginal Title” non treaty nations are screwed (rights/compensation) -No Indian Act = No Indian Identity -FNs felt this was ASSimilation all over again