Causes of the Civil War and the Civil War key terms
antebellum: the period before the civil war filled with turmoil, disagreement, and rapid change. sectionalism: the belief by the people in a given region that their ideas and interests are better and more important than those of another region. Ex: North and South states’ rights: the belief that a state’s interests should take precedence over the interests of the national government. compromise: an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions: nullify/nullification: to declare invalid tariff: a tax on imported goods
platform: a statement of the principles and policies a political party supports Electoral college/vote: a group of representatives who formally elect the president and vice president; each state has electors equal to the number of its representatives in Congress industrial: of, relating to, or characterized by industry; synonyms: factory, manufacturing, business, industry, trade agrarian: of, or relating to, cultivated land or the cultivation of land civil war: a war between citizens of the same country
abolitionist:/abolition: the movement to do away with something, particularly slavery in the 1800s. secede/secession: the act of pulling out of the union border states: those US states, including Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri, that were slave states but did not secede from the Union during the Civil War. Union: the united states during the civil war Confederacy: southern slave states that seceded and formed the Confederate States of America.