Impromptu Speech
Impromptu Speech Mrs. Sifferman, Superintendent of Hartland Schools, will be here today to give an impromptu speech. The reason for this impromptu speech is for you to comprehend what a superintendent does, and to give you an example of how to present a speech when you do not have much time to prepare. Pay attention because you will be giving an impromptu speech shortly.
Impromptu Speech You must come up with a question that you would like Mrs. Sifferman to address! For example: What three things do you like (not like) about being a superintendent. What does it take to become a superintendent? What are superintendent’s responsibilities? Explain a normal day in your office? Etc… Be sure to write school appropriate questions.
Impromptu Speech What does impromptu mean? To perform without prior planning!
Impromptu Speech Directions for the impromptu speech: You will be giving an impromptu speech on school rules. The question is – How would, ___________________, (a word or phrase), help learning in the classroom? For example talking quietly. Process: Draw a card 2 minutes to brainstorm and plan in hall or seat. 1-2 minute speech
Impromptu Speech When you brainstorm, pick 3-4 facts or ideas that would help you answer the above question. Ask yourself: Why this rule, when followed, is a good rule. When the rule is not followed, how does it take away from the learning? Put your information in some type of order so it makes sense. Then back the facts up with experiences or examples from your life or someone you know.
Impromptu Speech Intro Body Conclusion Attention Getter Topic Points Support- examples from you or others Point 2 Point 3 Conclusion Restate topic and Points 5 POINTS 10 POINTS 5 POINTS