Introduction to the Lab & Evolution Review!!! Introduction to the Lab & Evolution
Outcomes Outcome 3: I can safely conduct an experiment Outcomes 4: I can analyze data Outcome 22: I can explain the process of evolution Outcome 23: I can explain the role of DNA in evolution and biodiversity
Safety Equipment
Steps to take before performing an experiment? Read and understand the experiment/activity! Ask questions You are wearing appropriate clothing Collect all equipment Make sure everything is in working order Make sure your space is clean & clear and you won’t harm anyone around you
Genetic Equilibrium Definition: This does not happen when? -
Genetic Drift Definition: Always good? Random change in the frequency of alleles in a population Always good?
Founder Effect When does this happen? Example: When a small sample of a population settles in a location separated from the rest of the population Example: What does this mean for the alleles?
Bottleneck Definition: when a population declines to a very low number and then rebounds Example:
Gene Flow Definition: Genes enter or leave a population
Nonrandom Mating Definition: Can lead to what? Mates chosen based on specific characteristics Can lead to what?
Genetic Mutations Definition: How does this correspond with evolution?
Natural Selection Acts to select the individuals that are best adapted for survival and reproduction There are three ways that Natural Selection can change populations What are they? -
Sexual Selection Occurs when certain traits are inherited because they increase the chance of attracting a mate. What populations does this happen in? Always good?
Speciation Definition: Two ways this can happen -
Types of Speciation Allopatric speciation: Example: Sympatric speciation:
Homologous vs. Analogous Definitions: Homologous structure: Analogous structure:
Divergent vs Convergent Divergent evolution: Example: Convergent evolution:
Convergent evolution Unrelated species evolve similar traits even though they live in different pars of the world.
Coevolution Relationship between two species might be so close that the evolution of one species affects the evolution of the other species Mutualism:
How quickly do species evolve? Gradualism: Punctuated equilibrium