Kansas CVISN Program Plan


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Presentation transcript:

Kansas CVISN Program Plan June 2000

Section 1 CVISN Definition Table of Content Executive Summary Signature Page

CVISN Definition What is the definition of CVISN? The term CVISN (Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks) refers to the collection of information systems and communications networks that support commercial vehicle operations (CVO). These include information systems owned and operated by governments, motor carriers, and other stakeholders. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) CVISN program is not trying to create a new information system, but rather to create a way for existing and newly designed systems to exchange information through the use of standards and available communications infrastructure. The CVISN program provides a framework or “architecture” that will enable government agencies, the motor carrier industry, and other parties engaged in CVO safety assurance and regulation to exchange information and conduct business transactions electronically. The goal of the CVISN program is to improve the safety and efficiency of commercial vehicle operations. The CVISN Architecture is the CVO part of the National Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Architecture. It includes standards for communications technologies such as electronic data interchange (EDI) and dedicated short range communication (DSRC). These standards are being developed to promote interoperability and efficiency. The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) requires that ITS projects funded from the Highway Trust Fund must be consistent with the National ITS Architecture and applicable standards. Introductory Guide to CVISN POR-99-7186 Preliminary Version P.1 May 1999 Johns Hopkins University - Applied Physics Lab 1-1

Table of Content Section 1 CVISN Definition Table of Content Executive Summary Signature Page Section 2 Mission Statement Introduction Organization Structure Program Goals Definition of CVISN Level 1 Deployment Section 3 Program Areas Entire Work Breakdown Structure Section 4 Projects Section 5 Key Features Network Diagram of Kansas Section 6 Milestones Funding Section 7 Products Deliverables Appendix 1 - Coach 2 - Issues/ Decisions 3 - Contact List 4 - Acronyms 1-2

Executive Summary The Mission of the Kansas CVISN program is to create an information network using advanced technology that will enhance efficiency, safety, compliance and enforcement for commercial vehicle operations. The information network includes the exchange of ideas between the government partners and the motor carrier industry. CVISN initiatives to be undertaken will promote the economic well being of Kansas by facilitating the movement of goods for business and industry. State agencies in Kansas are dedicated to the application of cost-effective intelligent transportation technologies and streamlining existing processes that will improve transportation safety and administrative efficiency of both motor carriers and the state. CVISN is a collection of state, federal and private sector information systems and communication networks that support commercial vehicle operations. Kansas’ CVISN Program consists of three major program areas: 1. Safety Projects 2. Credentials Projects 3. Electronic Screening Projects Each of these program areas are detailed in this report and specific projects are outlined for implementation as part of the Kansas CVISN program. Kansas’ CVISN Program is administered by an Inter-Agency Coordinating Group, including the Kansas Department of Transportation, Kansas Department of Revenue, Kansas Highway Patrol, Kansas Corporation Commission, Division of Information Systems and Communications, Kansas Motor Carrier Association, Kansas Turnpike Authority, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and Information Network of Kansas. A combination of State and Federal funding supports the program. CVISN Champions are System Architect Leo Luttjohann and Program Manager Ken Gudenkauf. Carrier Groups are represented by the Kansas Motor Carriers Association. 1-3

Kansas CVISN Program Plan Approval Signatures Commitment is key to the success of the Kansas CVISN Program. Through their endorsement this page represents the commitment of the following individuals and their organization and/or agency’s support of this project. - This signature page will be completed after the June CVISN Design Workshop. . * . Kansas Department of Transportation E. Dean Carlson, Secretary . * . Kansas Department of Revenue Karla Pierce, Secretary . * . Kansas Highway Patrol Col. Don Brownlee, Superintendent . * . Kansas Corporation Commission John Wine, Commission Chair . . Division of Information Systems and Communications Donald C. Heiman, Director . * . Kansas Motor Carrier Association Tom Whitaker, Interim Executive Director . * . Kansas Turnpike Authority Michael L. Johnston, President/CEO . . Information Network of Kansas Debra Luling, General Manager * = Agencies that have previously supported the Kansas CVO Business Plan 1-4

Section 2 Mission Statement Introduction Organization Structure CVISN Program Goals Definition of CVISN Level 1 Deployment

Mission Statement Introduction The mission of the Kansas Intelligent Transportation System for Commercial Vehicle Operations (ITS/CVO) program is to create an information network using advanced technology that will enhance efficiency, safety, compliance and enforcement for commercial vehicle operations The information network includes the exchange of ideas between the government partners and the motor carrier industry. As new technologies and improved software become available, this cooperative exchange of information will be utilized to evaluate processes and technologies to determine deployment initiatives that improve commercial vehicle operations. Initiatives to be undertaken will promote the economic well being of Kansas by facilitating the movement of goods for business and industry. The design of CVISN allows for national and regional electronic exchange of data and information. State agencies in Kansas are dedicated to the application of cost-effective intelligent transportation technologies and streamlining existing processes that will improve transportation safety and administrative efficiency of both the motor carriers and state. In March 2000 the Kansas Department of Transportation completed a Statewide ITS Plan (KITS) and have categorized all ITS projects under the “KITS” Planning Process. This plan recognizes CVISN and has defined a program area within the statewide plan to address ITS/CVO activities. The Statewide ITS plan addressed CVO, Rural and Urban ITS projects and focused on mainstreaming ITS into the KDOT business structure. KITS follows the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) process. The Statewide ITS plan has an evaluation phase that will occur in 2002. Introduction 2-1

CVISN Program Organization 2-2

CVISN Supporting Agencies Kansas Turnpike Authority Information Network of Kansas Kansas Motor Carrier Association Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 2-3

ITS/CVO Architecture as part of the National Architecture Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO) ITS/CVO CVISN International Trade Modernization I B C Systems and Networks (CVISN) Architecture International Border Clearance Architecture National ITS Architecture 2-4

ITS/CVO Architecture as part of the National Architecture Traveler Subsystems Information Service Provider Traffic Management Emissions Emergency Transit Toll Administration Fleet and Freight Center Roadside Subsystems Vehicle Commercial Vehicle to Vehicle Communications Personal Access Remote Support Roadway Planning Collection Parking Check Wireless Wide Area Wireline Wide Area Communications Dedicated Short Range Vehicle Subsystems 2-5

Program Goals Improve freight mobility. Reduce administrative burden on motor carriers and state agencies. Increase compliance to motor carrier regulations. Improve safety through reduced congestion. Better use of enforcement and technology resources. Conduct safety inspections on “At Risk” motor carriers. Improve administration of credentials statewide. Preserve infrastructure. Meet Level 1 CVISN Deployment as shown on Page 2-7. Taking on the CVISN Program sets in motion a mixture of projects that deploy utility and performance in the three major functional areas, as shown in the figure below. Program Vision, Objectives, and Strategies Define Project Plan Project Implement Project Operate & Maintain redesign evaluate monitor scope Define Plan Safety Credentials Electronic Screening 2-6

Definition of CVISN Level 1 Deployment An organizational framework for cooperative system development has been established among state agencies and motor carriers. A State CVISN System Design has been established that conforms to the CVISN Architecture and can evolve to include new technology and capabilities All the following elements of three capability areas have been implemented using applicable architectural guidelines, operational concepts and standards: Safety Information Exchange ASPEN (or equivalent) at all major inspection sites *1 Connection to SAFER *2 CVIEW (or equivalent) for snapshot exchange within state and to other states Credentials Administration Automated processing (i.e. carrier application, state application processing, credential issuance, fuel tax filing) of at least IRP & IFTA credentials; ready to extend to other credentials (intrastate, titling, OS/OW, carrier registration, HAZMAT). Note: Processing does not included e-payment. *3 Connection to IRP & IFTA Clearinghouses *4 At least 10% of the transaction volume handled electronically; ready to bring on more carriers as carriers sign up; ready to extend to branch offices where applicable Electronic Screening Implemented at a minimum of one fixed or mobile inspection site Ready to replicate at other sites *1 Kansas uses ASPEN *2 Kansas is currently connecting to SAFER *3 Kansas currently accepts electronic permitting *4 Kansas is currently using the IRP Clearinghouse 2-7

Safety Information Exchange Credential Administration Section 3 CVISN Program Areas Safety Information Exchange Credential Administration Electronic Screening Entire Work Breakdown Structure

CVISN Program Areas Safety Information Exchange CVIEW - Planning PRISM - Future Accident Reporting - Future Credential Administration IRP Clearinghouse - Completed Permit Batch Processing - Completed Internet Application for Permits - Started Electronic IRP Applications - Future Electronic IFTA Applications - Future Electronic IFTA Quarterly Reports - Future TRIS - Truck Routing Information System - Started Roadside Operations Electronic Clearance - Future 3-1

Safety Information Exchange Kansas Administrative Systems Exchanging safety information is intended to improve safety performance. 1 Monitor safety performance in safety Legacy Systems Legacy Systems assurance programs; Associated with Associated with 2 Collect driver/vehicle inspection data, Credentialing Safety carrier compliance information, citation & accident data; Leg Sys Mods 1 - SAFETYNET 2000 3 Provide safety & credentials snapshots to 4 - CAPRI LSIs the roadside for screening & inspections; EDI or 4 Check safety history before granting credentials; CVIEW 5 Share information with other states LSIs or EDI 2 3 5 Leg Sys Mods EDI CVISN Core Infrastructure Kansas CV Roadside Check Stations (Fixed or Mobile) 2 5 - Roadside Operations MCMIS - Screening AFF - ASPEN Interim approach SAFER - Citation & Accident for ASPEN CVISN for Kansas Program Plan May 2000 3-2

Credentials Administration Motor Carrier Standardized transactions enable: Carrier Bank 1 carriers to file for credentials from their offices, Credentialing System (e.g., CAT - Carrier 2 states to process applications automatically, Automated Transaction) states to exchange information electronically to 3 support base state agreements Standardized transactions support fee payments 4 4 among payers, payees, and financial institutions (banks). KS.State Bank 1 EDI 4 4 Kansas Legacy Systems CI / Legacy 4 Workstations L Associated with 2 M (For manual review or entry of s Credential or Fuel credential / tax filing info) Tax Filing IRP CH EDI or EDI Bank Credentialing LSIs or EDI 3 Interface (CI) Server CVIEW IFTA and IRP SSE Clearinghouses (Support base state EDI: Electronic Data Interchange LM: Legacy Modification LSI: Legacy System Interface SSE: State-Specific Enhancement agreements) CVISN for Kansas Program Plan May 2000 3-3

Electronic Screening Roadside electronic screening focuses resources on high risk operators: Identify transponder, carrier, vehicle via DSRC transponder & standard messages Pull in untagged vehicle to identify carrier & vehicle Check snapshot information when making screening decisions Before issuing a citation, check with authoritative source for latest status 1 2 3 4 CVIEW SAFER CVISN Core Infrastructure State Roadside Systems Sensor/ Driver Comm Screening Roadside Operations Other State Systems DSRC Citation & Accident Leg Sys Mods LM L M LSI or EDI MCMIS LSIs Electronic Screening CVISN for Kansas Program Plan May 2000 3-4

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 3-5

Section 4 Projects Commercial Vehicle Information Exchange Window Project Summary Project Overview Process Flow Thread Diagram Project Work Breakdown Structure Permit Application via Internet International Registration Plan International Fuel Tax Agreement Truck Routing Information System Electronic Clearance

Commercial Vehicle Information Exchange Window (CVIEW) Summary Information 4-1

CVIEW Project Project Description Provide connection with SAFER, IRP, IFTA and Intrastate Registrations databases Project Objective Provide roadside inspectors safety and credential information for both interstate and intrastate carriers Goal(s) Provide information to roadside inspection station Support business needs of users Facilitate the electronic exchange of safety and credential information Project Documentation Work Breakdown Task 3.4 National ITS Architecture 4 CVO User Service Bundle 4.4 Commercial Vehicle Administration Process 2 Manage Commercial Vehicles Process Specifications (pspecs) Provide Commercial Vehicle Check station Communications Provide Commercial Vehicle Inspector Handheld Terminal Interface Carry-out Commercial Vehicle Roadside Safety Screening Carry-out Commercial Vehicle Roadside Inspection 2.3.4 Detect Commercial Vehicle 2.3.4 2.3.5 Provide Commercial Vehicle Roadside Operator Interface 2.3.6 Provide Commercial Vehicle Reports 4-2

ASPEN CVIEW Process Flow Roadside Inspector ASPEN Roadside Inspectors will use the current ASPEN software to access CVIEW. The CVIEW application/server will provide snapshot data from both in-state (legacy) and the National Safety database (SAFER). CVIEW State Owned SAFER CVISN Core System Legacy Systems 4-3

CVIEW Thread Diagram (1) Record inspections electronically and report them to SAFER and MCMIS via CVIEW (ASPEN-32, SAFETYNET 2000, SAFER/CVIEW 3.0) KANSAS Roadside Systems KANSAS Commercial Vehicle Administration Systems Carrier Systems Credentialing System (e.g., CAT) CVISN Core Infrastructure Systems (National/Regional) CDLIS IRP Clearinghouse IFTA NMVTIS MCMIS SAFER Registration L S I M RSPA HazMat ASAP Analysis Admin/CAPRI Sensor/ Driver Comm Screening Roadside Operations ASPEN-32 Citation & Accident Service Providers Internet Tools Other Carrier ASAP MCDC Interface (CI) IFTA Tax Processing Web CAT Intrastate Veh Driver Licensing Licensing & Insurance E-Screening Enrollment Titling SSRS HazMat OS/OW SAFETYNET 2000 CAPRI Treasury or Revenue Other Jurisdictions Transponder Carrier Commercial Vehicle CV Info Exchange Window (CVIEW) 1 A C D E B 2 3 4-4

CVIEW Thread Diagram (2) 1. ISS request is sent to CVIEW. 2. ISS is processed and returned to inspector. 3. Inspection data is sent to CVIEW via ASPEN. A. Snapshots are updated from SAFER to CVIEW. B. Snapshots from SAFER are merged with intrastate snapshots and updated to ASPEN (laptops). C. Inspections are updated to SAFER / other jurisdictions from CVIEW. D. Hand entered inspections are sent to MCMIS from Safetynet. E. MCMIS updates to SAFER. 4-5


Permit Application via Internet Summary Information Electronic Filing of Applications, Web/Internet Based and Direct Connection Systems (FTP), provide benefits to both states and carriers, eliminating paperwork, reducing errors and improving workflow. These systems include the processes for accepting and reviewing applications issuing credentials, auditing and reporting. Credentials are the focus of one ITS/CVO user service, Commercial Vehicle Administrative Process, as outlined in the National ITS Architecture Vehicles that exceed size limits, or are transporting non-divisible loads in excess of gross weight or axle weight regulations, qualify for special hauling permits for each individual load. These permits, which are valid for a limited number of days, specify the route the vehicle must take. Kansas also issues annual permits to eligible carriers. A permit must be obtained for each State through which the vehicle will travel. In most cases, carriers must obtain an individual permit from each State, although some States have established reciprocity agreements to accept each other’s permits. Special permitting regulations vary widely, and sometimes conflict, among the States. 4-7

Permit Application via Internet Project Project Description Provide 24/7 access for motor carriers requesting Kansas legalization permits. Project Objective Improve access and work flow of permit issuance. Goal(s) Accelerate credential process Use electronic data transfer to improve speed and accuracy National ITS Architecture 4 CVO User Service Bundle 4.4 Commercial Vehicle Administration Process 2 Manage Commercial Vehicles Process Specifications (pspecs) 2.1.1 Manage Commercial Fleet Electronic Credentials and Tax Filing 2.1.2 Provide Commercial Fleet Static Route 2.5.3 Update Permits and Duties Store 2.5.2 Obtain Electronic Credential and Tax Filing Payment Project Documentation Work Breakdown Task 4.4.1 4-8

Permit Application via Internet Process Flow WEB/INTERNET Application Permit Requestor Permit applications will be process via web based application. Payment will be made via escrow account or credit card. TRIS (Truck Routing Information System) MCCP (Motor Carrier Central Permit) TRIS will be added when available 4-9

Permit Application via Internet Thread Diagram (1) Kansas State Roadside Systems Kansas State Commercial Vehicle Administration Systems Carrier Systems CVISN Core Infrastructure Systems (National/Regional) CDLIS IRP Clearinghouse IFTA NMVTIS MCMIS SAFER Registration L S I M RSPA HazMat ASAP Analysis Admin/CAPRI Sensor/ Driver Comm Screening Roadside Operations ASPEN Citation & Accident Service Providers Internet Tools Other Carrier ASAP MCDC CV Info Exchange Window (CVIEW) Credentialing Interface (CI) Transponder Carrier Commercial Vehicle IFTA Tax Processing Intrastate Veh Driver Licensing Licensing & Insurance Titling SSRS TRIS OS/OW SAFETYNET CAPRI Treasury or Revenue System (e.g., CAT) Kansas CVISN Architecture Permit Issuing Locations KDOT, KDOR and KHP 1 2 4 5 3 4-10

Permit Application via Internet Thread Diagram (2) 1. Carrier sends Permit request to permit clerk or credential interface. 2. If needed, Routing request is sent to TRIS application for verification / changes. 3. Permit is returned to carrier. 4. Permit information is provided via snapshot to CVIEW. 5. If needed snapshot is provided to SAFER. 4-11

Permit Application via Internet WBS 4-12

International Registration Plan (IRP) Electronic Filing Summary Information Electronic Filing of Applications, Web/Internet Based and Direct Connection Systems (FTP), provide benefits to both states and carriers, eliminating paperwork, reducing errors and improving workflow. These systems include the processes for accepting and reviewing applications issuing credentials, auditing and reporting. Credentials are the focus of one ITS/CVO user service, Commercial Vehicle Administrative Process, as outlined in the National ITS Architecture The IRP process includes five types of activities: The base State accepts and processes IRP applications from the carriers in its jurisdiction, and issues credentials (license plates and cab cards) to certify the right to operate in all IRP jurisdictions The Base State collects application and registration fees on an annual basis from the carriers in its jurisdiction, and obtains operating mileage estimates by IRP jurisdiction for each carrier’s fleet. The Base State interacts with other IRP jurisdictions to document carrier operations, and to transfer shares of collected fees to other jurisdictions in proportion to each carrier’s operating mileage. The Base State conducts periodic audits of its carriers. Current IRP rules requires that the Base State audit 15 percent of the carriers in its jurisdiction every 5 years. The audits cover the authenticity of the mileage figures reported by the carrier. Each member State may issue temporary permits to vehicles that are not apportioned for travel in its jurisdiction. These permits are valid for travel during a limited amount of time (typically 2 to 10 days). Depending on the State, these temporary permits may be secured on the spot at weigh stations or ports-of-entry, or in advance by mail, phone, fax, or wire service. 4-13

IRP Electronic Filing Project Project Description Provide means of electronic data exchange between state and motor carriers Project Objective Meet and exceed CVISN Level 1 requirements Goal(s) Accelerate the credential process Move toward a paperless environment Use electronic data transfer to improve speed and accuracy Project Documentation Work Breakdown Task 4.4.2 National ITS Architecture 4 CVO User Service Bundle 4.4 Commercial Vehicle Administration Process 2 Manage Commercial Vehicles Process Specifications (pspecs) 2.5.1-Manage Commercial Vehicle Trips and Clearances 2.5.2-Obtain Electronic Credential and Tax Filing Payment 2.5.3-Update Permits and Duties Store 2.5.4-Communicate w/ Other Commercial Vehicle Administration System 2.5.5-Manage Commercial Vehicle Credentials and Enrollment 2.5.6-Output Commercial Vehicle Enrollment Data to Roadside Facilities 2.5.7-Process Commercial Vehicle Violations 2.5.8-Process Data Received from Roadside Facilities 5.4.6-Process CV Violations Commercial Vehicle Payments 4-14

IRP Electronic Filing Process Flow Communications networks will connect to CVISN core systems to provide data exchange reducing work load on state agency and motor carrier. CVISN Core Systems (Clearinghouse, SAFER) Fleet Manager / Service Provider Fleet managers will use electronic data exchange, via Web/Internet or File transfers to apply for and accept required operating credentials. State Agency / Credential Interface State Legacy Systems 4-15

IRP Electronic Filing Thread Diagram (1) KANSAS Roadside Systems KANSAS Commercial Vehicle Administration Systems Carrier Systems Credentialing System (e.g., CAT) CVISN Core Infrastructure Systems (National/Regional) CDLIS IRP Clearinghouse IFTA NMVTIS MCMIS SAFER Registration L S I M RSPA HazMat ASAP Analysis Admin/CAPRI Sensor/ Driver Comm Screening Roadside Operations ASPEN-32 Citation & Accident Service Providers Internet Tools Other Carrier ASAP MCDC Interface (CI) IFTA Tax Processing Web CAT Intrastate Veh Driver Licensing Licensing & Insurance E-Screening Enrollment Titling SSRS HazMat OS/OW SAFETYNET 2000 CAPRI Treasury or Revenue Other Jurisdictions Transponder Carrier Commercial Vehicle CV Info Exchange Window (CVIEW) 1 2 3 5 4 1a 2a 6 4-16

IRP Electronic Filing Thread Diagram (2) 1. Carrier sends application via electronic file or enters data to credential interface. 2. Application is processed. 1a. 2a. Temporary Credential is sent back to carrier 3. CVIEW Snapshot is updated. 4. SAFER Snapshot is updated. 5. Data is sent to IRP Clearinghouse monthly. 6. Data is updated to MCMIS and other jurisdictions. 4-17

IRP Electronic Filing WBS 4-18

International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) Electronic Filing Summary Information Electronic Filing of Applications, Web/Internet Based and Direct Connection Systems (FTP), provide benefits to both states and carriers, eliminating paperwork, reducing errors and improving workflow. These systems include the processes for accepting and reviewing applications issuing credentials, auditing and reporting. Credentials are the focus of one ITS/CVO user service, Commercial Vehicle Administrative Process, as outlined in the National ITS Architecture The IFTA process comprises five sets of activities: The Base State accepts and processes IFTA applications from the carriers in its jurisdiction, and issue credentials (fuel tax licenses and vehicle decals) to certify the right to operate in all IFTA jurisdictions. The Base State accepts and processes fuel tax returns on a quarterly basis from the carriers in its jurisdiction, and collects or refunds the net tax balance due for each carrier. The Base State interacts with other IFTA jurisdictions to document carrier operations and fuel tax collections, and to transfer tax funds due to other jurisdictions by carriers in the Base State. The Base State conducts periodic audits of its carriers. Current IFTA rules requires that the Base State audit 15 percent of the carriers in its jurisdiction every 5 years. Each State may issue temporary permits to vehicles that are not licensed for travel in its jurisdiction. Such permits are valid for travel during a limited amount of time (typically 2 to 10 days). Depending on the State, these temporary permits may be secured on the spot at weigh stations or ports-of-entry, or in advance by mail, phone, fax, or wire service. 4-19

IFTA Electronic Filing Project Project Description Provide means of electronic data exchange between state and motor carriers Project Objective Meet and exceed CVISN Level 1 requirements Goal(s) Accelerate the credential process Move toward a paperless environment Use electronic data transfer to improve speed and accuracy Project Documentation Work Breakdown Task 4.4.3 National ITS Architecture 4 CVO User Service Bundle 4.4 Commercial Vehicle Administration Process 2 Manage Commercial Vehicles Process Specifications (pspecs) 2.5.1-Manage Commercial Vehicle Trips and Clearances 2.5.2-Obtain Electronic Credential and Tax Filing Payment 2.5.3-Update Permits and Duties Store 2.5.4-Communicate w/ Other Commercial Vehicle Administration System 2.5.5-Manage Commercial Vehicle Credentials and Enrollment 2.5.6-Output Commercial Vehicle Enrollment Data to Roadside Facilities 2.5.7-Process Commercial Vehicle Violations 2.5.8-Process Data Received from Roadside Facilities 5.4.6-Process CV Violations Commercial Vehicle Payments 4-20

IFTA Electronic Filing Process Flow Fleet Manager / Service Provider State Agency / Credential Interface CVISN Core Systems (Clearinghouse, SAFER) State Legacy Systems Fleet managers will use electronic data exchange, via Web/Internet or File transfers to apply for and accept required operating credentials. Communications networks will connect to CVISN core systems to provide data exchange reducing work load on state agency and motor carrier. 4-21

IFTA Electronic Filing Thread Diagram (1) KANSAS Roadside Systems KANSAS Commercial Vehicle Administration Systems Carrier Systems Credentialing System (e.g., CAT) CVISN Core Infrastructure Systems (National/Regional) CDLIS IRP Clearinghouse IFTA NMVTIS MCMIS SAFER Registration L S I M RSPA HazMat ASAP Analysis Admin/CAPRI Sensor/ Driver Comm Screening Roadside Operations ASPEN-32 Citation & Accident Service Providers Internet Tools Other Carrier ASAP MCDC Interface (CI) IFTA Tax Processing Web CAT Intrastate Veh Driver Licensing Licensing & Insurance E-Screening Enrollment Titling SSRS HazMat OS/OW SAFETYNET 2000 CAPRI Treasury or Revenue Other Jurisdictions Transponder Carrier Commercial Vehicle CV Info Exchange Window (CVIEW) 1 2 3 5 4 1a 2a 6 4-22

IFTA Electronic Filing Thread Diagram (2) 1. Carrier sends application via electronic file or enters data to credential interface. 2. Application is processed. 1a. 2a. Temporary Credential is sent back to carrier 3. CVIEW Snapshot is updated. 4. SAFER Snapshot is updated. 5. Data is sent to IFTA Clearinghouse monthly. 6. Data is updated to MCMIS and other jurisdictions. 4-23

IFTA Electronic Filing WBS 4-24

Truck Routing Information System (TRIS) Summary Information TRIS will be a GIS based routing and bridge analysis system for oversize/overweight permits. The initial phases of deployment will provide the necessary information electronically to the permit clerk for routing any permit load. This enhancement will replace the many paper maps that are currently used to verify routes. TRIS will be deployed in phases to eventually have the permit route completely selected by the computer software. The data supporting the routing function will include current construction and detour information, which will be available to motor carriers via the Internet. With over 40,000 single trip and over 1300 annual oversize/overweight permits issued in Kansas annually, TRIS will help protect the infrastructure while enhancing safety for permit loads. 4-25

TRIS Project Project Description Goal(s) Improve data flow and communications among the varied stakeholders requesting and issuing oversize / overweight permits in Kansas. Project Objective Provide GIS enabled routing information for all permit issuing locations. Goal(s) Move toward a paperless environment. Use electronic data transfer to improve speed and accuracy Project Documentation Work Breakdown Task 4.6.1 National ITS Architecture 4 CVO User Service Bundle 4.4 Commercial Vehicle Administration Process 2 Manage Commercial Vehicles Process Specifications (pspecs) 2.1.1 Manage Commercial Fleet Electronic Credentials and Tax Filing 2.1.2 Provide Commercial Fleet Static Route 2.5.3 Update Permits and Duties Store 2.5.2 Obtain Electronic Credential and Tax Filing Payment 4-26

KDOR, KHP, KDOT, Internet, Batch Existing Legacy System TRIS Process Flow Processing Locations KDOR, KHP, KDOT, Internet, Batch Permit Requestor TRIS (Truck Routing Information System) A GIS application will assist both permit clerks and motor carriers in routing of oversized / overweight loads. MCCP (Motor Carrier Central Permit) Existing Legacy System 4-27

TRIS Thread Diagram (1) Kansas State Roadside Systems Kansas State Commercial Vehicle Administration Systems Carrier Systems CVISN Core Infrastructure Systems (National/Regional) CDLIS IRP Clearinghouse IFTA NMVTIS MCMIS SAFER Registration L S I M RSPA HazMat ASAP Analysis Admin/CAPRI Sensor/ Driver Comm Screening Roadside Operations ASPEN Citation & Accident Service Providers Internet Tools Other Carrier ASAP MCDC CV Info Exchange Window (CVIEW) Credentialing Interface (CI) Transponder Carrier Commercial Vehicle IFTA Tax Processing Intrastate Veh Driver Licensing Licensing & Insurance Titling SSRS TRIS OS/OW SAFETYNET CAPRI Treasury or Revenue System (e.g., CAT) Permit Issuing Locations KDOT, KDOR and KHP 1 2 4 5 3 4-28

TRIS Thread Diagram (2) 1. Carrier sends OSOW routing request to permit clerk or credential interface. 2. Routing request is sent to TRIS application for verification / changes. 3. Permit with routing is returned to carrier. 4. Permit information is provided via snapshot to CVIEW. 5. If needed snapshot is provided to SAFER. 4-29


Electronic Clearance Project Summary Information 4-31

Electronic Clearance Project Goal(s) Decrease congestion at inspection stations Reduce unnecessary time expended for CVO enforcement Project Description Provide means for MCI Stations to electronically verify commercial vehicles at mainline speeds. Project Objective Improve safety at weight stations by reducing number of trucks exiting and entering highway. Project Documentation Work Breakdown Task 5.4 National ITS Architecture 4 CVO User Service Bundle 4.4 Commercial Vehicle Administration Process 2 Manage Commercial Vehicles Process Specifications (pspecs) 2.3.2 Provide Commercial Vehicle Clearance Screening Administer Commercial Vehicle Roadside Credentials Database Process Screening Transactions 4-32

Electronic Clearance Project Process Flow Commercial Vehicle (Transponder Equipped) Electronic Clearance Enrollment (Authorization/Cancellations) MCI Stations (Verification and Clearance) Kansas Legacy Systems (Data Input) Transponder equipped vehicles can be electronically cleared to bypass a weigh station, reducing congestion and improving safety. 4-33

Electronic Clearance Project Thread Diagram (1) Kansas Roadside Systems Kansas Commercial Vehicle Administration Systems Carrier Systems CVISN Core Infrastructure Systems (National/Regional) CDLIS IRP Clearinghouse IFTA NMVTIS MCMIS SAFER Registration L S I M RSPA HazMat ASAP Analysis Admin/CAPRI Sensor/ Driver Comm Roadside Operations ASPEN Citation & Accident Service Providers Internet Tools Other Carrier ASAP MCDC CV Info Exchange Window (CVIEW) Credentialing Interface (CI) Transponder Carrier Commercial Vehicle IFTA Tax Processing Intrastate Veh Licensing Licensing & Insurance E-Screening Enrollment Titling SSRS HazMat OS/OW SAFETYNET CAPRI Treasury or Revenue System (e.g., CAT) A B C 1 2 3 4 Screening 4-34

Electronic Clearance Project Thread Diagram (2) 1. Transponder equipped unit is read by roadside sensor. 2. Transponder data is transferred to the screening application. 3. Data is sent to weigh station personnel for review. 4. Red light / Green light signal is returned to Transponder. A. SAFER snapshot data is sent to CVIEW B. CVIEW merges SAFER and intrastate snapshot data and passes to roadside computer. C. Data is update in screening selection computer. 4-35

Electronic Clearance Project WBS 4-36

Network Diagram of Kansas Section 5 Key Features Network Diagram of Kansas

Key Features of Kansas CVISN Network Design Implement CVIEW functions to assist Motor Carrier Inspectors with roadside operations. Provide Legacy System interfaces to support interagency needs. Provide connectivity to CVISN Core Systems. Implement integrated web/internet based applications with state motor carrier systems. Integrate technology solutions where applicable to improve Commercial Vehicle Operations. 5-1

Network Diagram of Kansas Motor Vehicle Administration State Police (Commercial Vehicle Enforcement) CVISN Core Infrastructure Systems Motor Fuel Tax Division ASPEN Screening IRP Carrier Systems SAFER/ Data Mailbox MCMIS Clearinghouse IFTA CAT Treasury: Mainframe DB IFTA Registration & IFTA Tax Processing Sensor/ Driver Comm Accident Reporting SAFETYNET 2000 Licensing & Titling Intrastate Registration AAMVAnet Frame Relay (TCP/IP) SNA Gateway (token ring) dial-up sensors CDLIS Roadside Operations Licensing & Insurance RSPA HazMat KTA Internet Firewalls DISC FTP Server CVIEW State Communication Systems DSRC MCCP OS/OW Permits SSRS (Registration) PVD Advalorem Tax INK CAPRI KDOR System KCC System KHP System Unknown System Owner DISC Mainframe CVISN for Kansas Program Plan May 2000 Existing Unknown Link Proposed 5-2

Section 6 Milestones Funding

Reporting Features on the Work Breakdown Structure This program will be tracked using Microsoft Project software therefore different reports will be generated throughout the deployment of CVISN. Reporting options include by: assignments (who does what, when, to do lists) resource (person responsible) budget (cash flow, over budget task, over budget resources) project summaries (by task, milestones, and working days) current activities workload (task and resources usage) customized reports as needed As funding and specific dollars are identified and as the procurement process begins Microsoft Project will be used to track activities. The Program Manager will be responsible for maintaining the WBS. This tool allows the WBS to provide key charts, graphs and diagrams related to CVISN program process. Quarterly update meetings with the Kansas CVISN team will be held to update and monitor program activities. 6-1

Phases and Critical Milestones Administrative Milestones: CVISN Business draft plan to FHWA November 1997 CVISN Business plan completed April 1998 CVISN Program Document draft completed May 2000 Training: Introduction to ITS/CVO June 1998 ITS/CVO Technical Project Management for Non-Technical Managers February 1999 Understanding ITS/CVO Technology Applications October 1999 FHWA - CVO Technology Truck April and September 1998 National Architecture Training November 1999 CVISN Workshops Scope workshop November 1999 Planning workshop March 2000 Design workshop June 2000 Technology Milestones: Electronic filing of Permit Applications April 1995, moved to internet access November 1999 Direct dial up access for permit application June 1995 IRP Clearinghouse Production Phase June 1997 Targeted Project Milestones: Defined by WBS on Microsoft Project, see page 3-5 6-2

Funding The Kansas CVISN program will initially rely on established funding sources and seek both federal and state funds for each project. Most new hardware purchases and upgrading present hardware will be funded through the normal agency budgeting process. Also, some CVISN activities will be funded with KDOT’s ITS Set-Aside Program. Up to this point Congress has earmarked federal funds appropriated for the CVISN program, instead of funding being distributed through the Federal Highway Administration to the states. Kansas recognizes that the competition for these federal funds will continue as more states complete the Design Workshop. The Information Network of Kansas (INK) will be contacted for the development and programming for the credentials interface for the Permit System, IRP, and IFTA. This deployment method has INK responsible to initially fund the deployment effort and then INK will charge an administrative fee to recover their initial investment. KHP troopers will be using laptop computers to access the CVISN systems for CVIEW and SAFER to obtain electronic snapshot information for motor carriers at the roadside. Kansas plans to investigate opportunities to use the additional federal funds appropriated to the Motor Carrier Safety Program (MCSAP) for their possible use for portions of related CVISN projects. Kansas is unable to determine a total cost of the CVISN Level One deployment. As the CVISN program plan continues to evolve, the project costs will be adjusted to reflect current estimates. 6-3

Section 7 Products Deliverables

Products Software Products Microsoft Project Software Output/ Reporting Features CVIEW application Permit Internet Application Deliverable Projects and Documents CVO Business Plan CVISN Program Plan CVIEW Permit Applications via the Internet IRP Electronic Filing Project IFTA Electronic Filing Project TRIS Project Electronic Screening Project 7-1

Appendix Appendix 1 - Coach Documents Notes Coach 1 Coach 2 Coach 3 Appendix 2 - Issues and Decisions Appendix 3 - Kansas Contacts Appendix 4 - Acronyms

COACH Document Notes A1-1

Coach 1 - Program/ Project Management Checklist

Coach 2 - Aggregate Program/ Project Planning Checklist

Coach 3 - Aggregate Phase Planning & Incremental Development Checklist

Issues and Decisions Design and implementation of CVIEW. How do we streamline accident reporting? What communication networks will be required? One interface for all credentials is desirable. Training of Personnel on use of Systems Personnel and funding resources Mobile versus Static Enforcement Site Determination - Mobile and Static To WIM or not to WIM Credentialing Interface partnership with INK. Well structured existing systems to support enhancements. Key agency participation in design. Motor Carrier/KTA Buy-In ---- Passive Transponders Currently in Use 45,500 Commercial Transponders 6,000 Commercial Accounts A2-1

Kansas Contacts A3-1

Acronyms A4-1