IMPACT SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP Wednesday June 7th 2017 2pm Elizabeth Garcha, University of Sheffield Julie Bayley, Coventry University
Impact Special Interest Group Professional impact community Champions: Lizzie Garcha Julie Bayley Networking Identify learning and professional development needs, link to wider ARMA community Act as voice into consultations (e.g. HEFCE policy) Mailing list (updates, queries, job alerts etc.)
Impact context and drivers REF2021 UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund Higher Education Research Act Responsible Metrics Brexit And more…
Opportunities Growing body of impact research Responsible metrics see Open Access See Growing international impact agenda Eg. Australia ERA, Canadian KMb forum, EARMA impact working group CASRAI – information standards for impact and career development see Knowledge broker competencies
Knowledge broker competencies Change management Communication Creating, sourcing and synthesising (research) knowledge Evaluating impact of KT Facilitating and negotiating Leading, managing and driving KT Managing legal issues and IP Managing partnerships/relationships Networking and engaging stakeholders Training and capacity building Understanding, creating and using KT tools, products and practices
Impact Literacy From Bayley, J. and Phipps, D. Building the Concept of Impact Literacy. Paper accepted in Evidence and Policy Blog:
Developing an impact literate culture From Bayley, J. and Phipps, D. Building the Concept of Impact Literacy. Paper accepted in Evidence and Policy Blog:
Aims of the session Link with colleagues in other institutions working in similar areas Increase understanding of, and exchange ideas around challenges and practical solutions around KE and Impact Ideas and actions to take back and implement in your institution Keywords: Policy, REF, roles, skills, professional identity, networking REF2014 demonstrated that we can “do” impact 139 institutions had an impact GPA of over 2.0, and over 80 institutions (more than half) had an impact GPA of 3.0 or more.
Discussion: Challenges and opportunities Roles and professional identity Developing skills and capabilities Delivering impact in a changeable (political) landscape Improving ‘impact literacy’ Networking and sharing best practice Changing culture to improve impact Information management and system interoperability
Questions What actions can you take? What messages can you take back to your institution? What else can the ARMA SIG do to help you/ support impact within the sector?