RESEARCH ALL OF THE COLD WAR FIGURES Answer the following questions: What Country are they from? What is their title in government? What years were they in power? Which side of the Cold War are they on? Explain the political & economic system they belonged to Why did they believe their economic system was best for their country. Why would other countries disagree? What significant Cold War event/s are they involved in? Harry Truman Joseph McCarthy Mao Zedong Dwight Eisenhower Winston Churchill Joseph Stalin Douglas MacArthur Kim Il Sung
Name__________________________________________________________ Date__________________________________ Per____________ Directions: You are going to play Match Maker. Your job is to pair up each of the Cold War figures. Based off what you have researched about them. Your goals is to pair them with someone they share the most commonalities with. You will need to provide at least three evidence based reasons why you feel these two are a perfect match. NAME NAME NAME NAME NAME NAME NAME NAME
VALENTINE GRAM You will also create a VALENTINES GRAM for your Cold War figure which connects to some aspect of their ideologies or background CAPITALISM HAS LEFT YOU DARK YOU JUST CANT WIN LUCKY FOR YOU, I AM THE SPARK YOUR VLADIMIR LENIN