Operation of EASY-CHARGE Electronic Unit
START-UP. When the electronic unit is switched ON it makes a quick test of the display and of the level LEDs. Then the firmware version is displayed (e.g. V1.9) before the start of normal operation.
HIGH LEVEL CONDITION. The level in the tank is above the set minimum level, and the green LED of the level notification is ON. Two dots blink on the display. No alarm is present.
THE LEVEL DECREASE. When the level decrease under the minimum, the yellow LED turns ON.
LOW LEVEL CONDITION, THE FEEDING STARTS. When it switch to low level condition, the red LED turns ON and EASY-CHARGE starts feeding. The message “CH.” is displayed.
FEEDING IN PROGRESS. When the level increases above the minimum level, the yellow LED turns ON. The feeding continue and the message CH. is displayed.
THE FEEDING STOPS. HIGH LEVEL CONDITION. When it switch to high level condition the green LED turns on and the feeding stops. The two dots start blinking again on display.
Other conditions and alarms.
The message “C.O.” is displayed during manual feeding. The manual feeding can be performed holding the manual feeding button on the electronic unit.
The message “PA.” is displayed during the time between two feeding attempts. In fact EASY-CHARGE doesn’t feed the Hot-Melt tank all at once: it works for a defined time, adjusted on the electronic unit. The pause duration is adjustable as well as the duration of the feeding.
If for any reason the level of adhesive in the Hot-Melt tank doesn’t increase above the set minimum level, the EASY-CHARGE switch to the “time-out” condition after the number of feeding attempts set. The message “t.o.” is displayed and the alarm output activates. The number of feeding attempts can be set or completely disabled.
This animation of the display indicates that the mixing blade is rotating. The green LED next to the symbol of a gear blinks quickly during rotation.
The message “b.r.” is displayed if the motor of the mixing blade doesn’t rotate. The cause is probably a block that stops the blade, or a mass of compacted granules.
The message “L.P.” is displayed when the pneumatic supply is too low or absent. The red LED on the panel turns ON, and the alarm output can be activated or not, depending on the setting of the electronic unit.
The message “O.S.” is displayed if the sensor “LEVEL-CAP” is disconnected, switched OFF or doesn’t work. If the three LEDs that indicate the level blink simultaneously, the trouble is in the probe “CAP-SENSOR”.
This is an alarm available in EASY-CHARGE versions equipped with the optional EASY-LEVEL, the sensor of granules reserve. When the level of granules inside EASY-CHARGE is low, the alarm output activates, the message “E.t.” is displayed and the red LED on the panel turns ON. This alarm will cancel filling EASY-CHARGE of new granules.