British English and American English
Which is correct? British English? American English?
Which is correct? English belongs to us! But we are stronger!
Which is correct? Actually, they’re both ok. It’s your choice. But there are some differences.
Pronunciation Differences Between British and American English There are differences in pronunciation. Watch the following video and practice out loud with the presenter in the video. Pronunciation Differences Between British and American English
There are differences in spelling. British English American English Example -re ending -er ending centre center -our ending -or ending colour color -ogue ending -og ending catalogue catalog -ise/-ize ending -ize ending realise/realize realize final “l” doubled final “l” no doubled travelled traveled -ence ending -ense ending defence defense
There are differences in the names given to different things. American: apartment British: flat
American: stroller British: pram
American: cell phone British: mobile phone
American: can British: tin